The results had been presented at a meeting in 2000, but were never published.
The IOC board says it will reconsider this week's blunder at a meeting in May.
Members chose the new board at a meeting in Truro City Hall on Tuesday.
Chairman of the Board, Rhodri Williams, delivered the message at a meeting in Aberystwyth on Friday.
But this is something that G20 finance ministers failed to endorse at a meeting in March.
At a meeting in 1990, the group voted unanimously to do nothing to change the status quo.
Ministers from around Britain and Ireland have been discussing the economy at a meeting in Cardiff Castle.
Bus companies were discussing proposed cuts to subsidies for concessionary passes at a meeting in County Hall.
BBC: Cornwall Council's bus funding cut plan 'threat to all'
At a meeting in County Hall, Truro, the cabinet deferred a decision over increased charges until February.
G7 group of industrial nations is expected to launch at a meeting in Britain later this month.
At a meeting in March with Pope Francis, he also repeated "unconditional reverence and obedience" to his successor.
Mr. Rohack will also face an uprising among his own members at a meeting in Houston this weekend.
It will be handed to Church leaders considering measures to introduce women bishops, at a meeting in York.
On January 28, this year, at a meeting in Geneva, the WTO authorized Antigua to suspend US copyrights!
In September, about 800 people turned out at a meeting in the town in a show of concern.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid Wales | Town fights hospital service cuts
Meanwhile, Mid-Ulster decathlete Paul Tohill bettered 7, 000 points for the first time at a meeting in California last week.
On Saturday, Paul Brizzel achieved a sprint double at a meeting in Belgium.
The staff members, including players, were told of the development at a meeting in a hotel in the town.
At a meeting in West Virginia the weekend before the address, congressional Republicans agreed to support the president's cause.
ECONOMIST: State of the union: The revolution, phase two | The
The performance of the team since Chappell took over will be reviewed at a meeting in Mumbai on 27 September.
Government proposals to reform the Isle of Man's welfare system are set to be discussed at a meeting in Douglas.
He later withdrew it, but the ICC plans to discuss the matter further at a meeting in Dubai next weekend.
At a meeting in Flintshire County Council Ann Jones AM said she deplored BNP's decision to put forward a candidate.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | MP warns of BNP 'damage'
Senior MPs and the former Labour leader, Lord Kinnock, are unveiling an alternative education paper at a meeting in parliament tonight.
At a meeting in the Swiss city of Basle, they agreed a deal requiring banks to hold more capital in reserve.
De Hoop Scheffer said NATO ambassadors reached an initial agreement on Allawi's request at a meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on Friday.
But Mr Wei says that, at a meeting in Phnom Penh in late March, it was agreed that this will be doubled.
After some arm-twisting from Saudi Arabia, Fatah and Hamas at last formed a unity government at a meeting in Mecca in February.
The board appointments require approval from shareholders at a meeting in June.
The prosecution said the blast was planned at a meeting in Colombo where Baig, a resident of Maharashtra state, was given bomb-making training.