The temporary cap, due to be announced on Monday by Home Secretary Theresa May, is aimed at preventing a rush of applications before a permanent figure is agreed.
Michael Davidson, a heart specialist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and a tester of the combo pill, predicts "a brutal three-way war" for market share among Vytorin, Lipitor and AstraZeneca's Crestor.
Absent such a motivating factor, there was literally no good reason at all to rush such a poorly-researched piece of work into publication less than two months before the entire system is scheduled to change.
"A lot of time stuff shows up at work that doesn't show up at home, " says Anna Treinkman, RN, a nurse practitioner at the Rush University Alzheimer's Disease Clinic, in Chicago.
There's usually a slow build up to Christmas from October but we just had a rush at the very end last year.
BBC: 'Green shoots' for traders reporting Christmas sales up
"I can speculate as to what I think is the history, " says George Bakris, a professor at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
Nonetheless, panelist Joseph Messer, a professor at Rush University, predicts that some patients will refuse to switch, though he thinks changing drugs is now prudent.
There is a rush hour at these companies when many employees arrive in the morning and leave in the early evening.
An engineering train ran for four miles and ploughed through six stops on the Northern Line at the start of a morning rush hour in August 2010.
Tevez's very presence in West Ham's side means the relegation battle could yet go into extra time after his goal at Manchester United capped a remarkable rush to safety by Alan Curbishley's side.
"It's very hard to tell how he's going to do, " said Dr. Louis Krause, a psychiatrist at Chicago's Rush Medical Center.
When a shark wants to eat you, you'll know in advance: It will hunch its back, lower its fins, and rush at you in a zigzag.
CNN: Stranded at sea? Follow this 7-step extreme survival guide
Cameron White (40 not out off 39 balls) added a rush of runs at the end, and Australia knew they were on top once Brett Lee had Xavier Marshall edging behind on the first ball of the hosts' run chase.
Create your own Vertical Reality at Vail's three terrain parks or get a Black Diamond Rush on the back bowls, before breaking for lunch and hot chocolate at Two Elk.
On 18 January, snow in Leicester caused traffic at rush hour to grind to a halt, with many vehicles getting stuck on the city's flyovers.
On May 3, 2012, Avik Roy and Neil Minkoff participated in a Benjamin Rush Society debate at Harvard Medical School addressing the resolution that government is harmful to medical innovation.
Most travelers arrive in a new time zone, take a sleeping pill to fall asleep at bedtime, drink coffee during the day to stay awake, and wait it out until they feel better, says Charmane Eastman, a professor of behavioral sciences at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, who has devised strategies for people seeking to minimize jet lag.
At the Detroit Auto Show he was in a rush to get back to Germany.
GPs will be unwilling to rush to sell those investments at a loss or below their carry hurdle rate.
One of Shafer's priorities is to create a niche for Ashton Broyld, a star dual-threat quarterback at Rush-Henrietta High in suburban Rochester, N.
Getting the skinny, fast, is all the more valuable at a time when the merger frenzy sparks a rush into multibillion-dollar marriages of companies that barely know each other.
These higher tax revenues were in all likelihood from realized gains as there was a rush to have gains taxed at the 15 percent Federal rate as opposed to the impending 20 percent Federal rate.
So I think if they delay it, that will give more time for people to look at the constitution in general without being in a rush and they have to give it by the 15th of August.
"I think that Avastin's a good drug, and I think we just need to figure out whom to give it to, " says Melody A. Cobleigh , an oncologist at Rush Medical College in Chicago who worked on the trial.
The system allows one train at a time to use the tunnel, in contrast to the several that normally use it at rush hour.
There's not much of an adrenaline rush at an auction that lasts almost a month.
WSJ: A Guide to Bidding in Online Wine Auctions | On Wine by Lettie Teague