So at a stroke, one important source of credit to the economy will be eliminated.
Big Bang moved them at a stroke from that to screen-based and telephone trading.
BBC: Margaret Thatcher: How her changes affected your finances
It also solves, entirely and at a stroke, that offshoring of profits by US corporations.
NDCs, despite their merits, can solve all the problems of public-pension systems at a stroke.
ECONOMIST: State pension systems that mimic private accounts
At a stroke, the deal with BAE gave it a way to realise all three objectives.
Telecommuting doesn't remove all those overheads at a stroke, but it can easily halve them.
At a stroke, the deal transforms McIlroy into one of the hottest commercial properties in sport.
He has a well-defined national reputation anyway, which cannot be transformed at a stroke.
Equally, a disproof would be the mathematical equivalent of an earthquake, destroying decades of work at a stroke.
"At a stroke, Greece can lower its real exchange rate and therefore be more competitive, " Mr. Bootle says.
Though such actions will not resolve anything at a stroke, they would over time strengthen moderates in both camps.
That would create competition and a resale market for trains at a stroke.
At a stroke, this demolishes the long tradition of universal benefits, which was intended to secure general support for welfare.
The city had consumed itself at a stroke: it was a disposable city that now followed the moon on its last voyage.
It could cut Britain's prison population by up to 10% at a stroke by ending the imprisonment of those convicted of possession or dealing.
At a stroke, Poland has done away with pension redistribution: what you get out is what you have paid in, plus interest and capital gains.
At a stroke, this boosts businesses and cuts out the sometimes months-long lag between food aid being bought, shipped and distributed by the big international agencies.
At a stroke, the Saudis - and the CIA - lost the chance to interrogate the man believed to be the mastermind behind one of al-Qaeda's websites.
The fall in oil prices since August has been a great help, at a stroke both bringing down headline inflation rates and boosting the incomes of consumers.
At a stroke, whole generations of middle-aged Tory men can feel dreams of high office evaporating like the fumes from a consoling tumbler (or two) of late-night Scotch.
HSBC's muscle brought down Household's funding costs at a stroke.
He has stood firm and resisted the temptation to raise the money at a stroke by selling off the family silver in the form of Alan Smith, Mark Viduka and Paul Robinson.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Leeds United | Leeds' final countdown
At a stroke, 3Com could provide the credibility and access to customers that matter in America, as well as helping to bind in Siemens's recent data-networking acquisitions, such as Argon and Redstone Communications.
Exelixis is still an early-stage drug company--though it is one of the best--and Renovis, his last effort, was best known for a very innovative attempt at a stroke drug that did not make it.
At a stroke the European court in Luxembourg ruled that players can freely change to foreign clubs when their contracts expire and that the number of foreign players from European Union countries should not be restricted.
The city's congestion nightmare would ease at a stroke, much valuable property would be freed for the sort of things that London does best and an entire tier of competition to misgovern the city would be eliminated.
As the FT put it a fortnight ago: 'By introducing a clutch of overseas providers to provide treatment centres for National Health Service patients, the government has at a stroke transformed a significant chunk of the country's health care exposing to scrutiny some of the myths on which private medical care is sold.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services
Exelixis (nasdaq: EXEL - news - people ) is still an early-stage drug company--though it is one of the best--and Renovis (nasdaq: RNVS - news - people ), his last effort, was best known for a very innovative attempt at a stroke drug that did not make it.