Russell King, a seventeen-year-old junior, was sitting at a table with another junior, Nate Mueller.
Sitting at a table before lunch, he describes his thoughts after Katrina devastated his hometown.
At lunchtime, Critzer and her coaches sat down at a table in the empty school library.
The players sit at a table, the dealer hands out cards, and they just bet.
It gets passed by people sitting down at a table, working out their differences.
President Obama looks strangely jovial while sitting at a table with the Republican speaker, Rep. John Boehner.
Everyone alone at a table at Ritual was either typing on a laptop or thumbing a smart phone.
Have you ever noticed that when two people sit at a table, they often choose chairs on opposite sides?
At the beginning of the show, the very good director, Sarah Benson, has the actors seated at a table.
He envisions both families will share meals at a table with benches they plan to place in the center.
WSJ: Shared Backyards: Advice for Homeowners on Removing Fences to Create Bigger Gardens, More Space
If you're sitting at a table, you'll have to bring your hands above the horizontal plane of the tabletop.
As in the rest of Italy, you will save a few euros by standing at the counter, rather than sitting at a table.
At a table covered with egg cartons, a frizzy-haired blonde in fingerless gloves rubbed her hands together and lit a cigarette.
In the yard, Tiye and his lieutenants were already settled at a table, with drinks provided for them by the girls.
The service, from both cabin attendants and restaurant staff, is attentive, if sometimes perplexing--whatever one person at a table orders, everyone receives.
We looked over and saw a guy alone at a table, holding one of those giant, newfangled portable phones to his ear.
Some sit at a table playing cards, others are just kibitzing.
W. Bush sat at a table on the South Lawn of the White House and signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law.
It was early afternoon, and he was sitting at a table outside the clubhouse, dressed in a striped orange polo and khaki shorts.
Three characters--husband, wife, and son--meet in their castle, sit at a table set with food that the mother has prepared in her kitchen.
On Friday, Mr Griffiths, was seen sitting at a table for the 26-minute hearing, sporting a beard and wearing a grey prison jumper.
Both candidates stood behind lecterns, about 15 feet apart while two journalists, seated at a table facing the candidates, took turns asking questions.
Natalie Biondolillo, private eye, sits at a table and compares notes with fellow investigator Henry McCoy on a person they're trying to locate.
The study found 656 families said they always ate meals together at a table, 768 sometimes did, while 92 families never did so.
In 2005, I was sitting at a table in the middle of Silicon Valley talking to a group of wealthy real estate investors.
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"They are the sort of places that most people think of as nightmarish, " he says, sitting at a table near the hot food counter.
He tried an air-conditioned place favored by young officers, where he sat at a table by himself smoking Lucky Strikes and drinking Lucky Lager.
Al Sharpton sat at a table taking questions from CBS anchor Dan Rather, New York Times reporter Elizabeth Bumiller and WCBS-TV reporter Andrew Kirtzman.
The four of them were sitting at a table in a small windowless conference room, the doctors on one side, the parents on the other.
Seth Godin sits at a table surrounded by nine aspiring entrepreneurs.