Sadly, these schools are disappearing at an alarming rate in many of America's inner cities.
Hot fact: Global data center power use has been increasing at an alarming rate.
As a result, a new class of homeless people is growing at an alarming rate.
As a result the loss of forest is happening at an alarming rate here in Mbale.
The Huskies kept passing up shots and turning the ball over at an alarming rate.
To facilitate this, they have been buying long term treasuries at an alarming rate.
While teaching, she noticed that girls were dropping out of school at an alarming rate.
My worry is that school trips do seem to be proliferating at an alarming rate.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Should school trips be encouraged?
To add to India's woes, the disparities between its various states are increasing at an alarming rate.
Even by Mahler's day, the time lag between composition and public acceptance was growing at an alarming rate.
Food production has been complicated by a severe drought that is draining lakes and reservoirs at an alarming rate.
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Mr. BASIL BARIMO (Vice President of Operations, Air Transport Association): We were seeing accidents occurring at an alarming rate.
According to the IRS and National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson, taxpayer identity theft is rising at an alarming rate.
They are also shedding assets at an alarming rate in order to meet EU capital-adequacy targets by next June.
We destroy motherboards, processors, and graphics cards at an alarming rate doing it.
Meanwhile, sectors such as manufacturing continued to shed jobs at an alarming rate.
Over the past few years Italian competitiveness has deteriorated at an alarming rate.
The operator argues that, because it is already losing money at an alarming rate, it cannot withstand further short-term pressure.
The reason for the deficit was the booming US economy, which has been sucking in overseas imports at an alarming rate.
Last year, thanks to a combination of injuries, inconsistent play and individual errors, the team let up goals at an alarming rate.
And at that time, our economy was shrinking at an alarming rate.
While some innovation has moved mankind forward, and made life more liveable, others and maybe those most important are disappearing at an alarming rate.
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The people of Kivalina, Alaska are losing the ice their village is built on at an alarming rate, requiring urgent and expensive relocation.
FORBES: Hawaii: Our Very Own Island Nation, Battling Climate Change Via Innovation
It "tends to spread to many, many parts of the body at an alarming rate, " says Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center melanoma expert Jedd D.
It makes sense, but shifting a longstanding cultural preference could take a while and in the meantime elephants are being slaughtered at an alarming rate.
FORBES: Why the Ivory Problem Requires Dealing with Supply Not Demand
Like the snowfields of Kilimanjaro and the ice in the Diamond Couloir, the Lewis Glacier is shrinking at an alarming rate because of global warming.
Population of children in Kenya and Uganda is rising at an alarming rate with no or very little corresponding increase in socio-economic and education facilities.
FORBES: The Numbers Behind Video Games and Gun Deaths in America
As important as neighborhood taverns were to so many people Sept.11, like too many other third places they will probably continue to disappear at an alarming rate.
Obviously, the future of this business is in question as the BP Deepwater Horizon debacle continues to leak crude into the Gulf of Mexico at an alarming rate.