Whatever the extent of violence at any one time, potential for escalation is ever-present.
At any one time about 10% of those between 16 and 18 fall into this category.
That is the equivalent of seven large general hospitals full at any one time.
They also tend to be flexible and have the ability to juggle multiple tasks at any one time.
Squads are made up of 13 players with a maximum of seven in the pool at any one time.
This in effect limits the number of users that a Bluetooth access point can support at any one time.
It tends to be true of jazz that you play with one of the three at any one time.
Having, at any one time, only one phone under development cuts those costs.
At any one time there are around 14 movies doing business in America.
That is, how many lovers the average individual has at any one time.
ECONOMIST: The XVIIth International AIDS Conference: Win some, lose some | The
Also, Thames Valley Police has 330 fixed speed cameras, of which only 22 are in action at any one time.
About 25 extra GPs have been hired by the CCGs, allowing two to be on duty at any one time.
It may be that there is only so much economic anxiety that one population can stand at any one time.
FORBES: Do the Chinese Envy America? IMF Forecasts, Purchasing Power Parities -- and Chuck Colson
However the team is not penalised and can continue to have five players on the ice at any one time.
Research has shown that at any one time the NHS is only directly affecting the lives of one in five people.
BBC: Healthy lifestyles: Is a hug, shove, nudge or smack best?
Second, it would be hubristic to assume we could ever know exactly how much oil is recoverable at any one time.
Now there are several reasons why you might like to get your app into the Top Ten at any one time.
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The U.S. State Department estimates that there are approximately 52, 000 Americans living, working or traveling in Egypt at any one time.
The year before the new plan Ford employed some 50, 000 people: but at any one time he only had 13, 000 employees.
The measure of this at any one time is the number of people prepared to join the hard-core violence, even temporarily.
What about the 1.2 million tires on the 300, 000 cars that are in the Hertz rental car fleet at any one time?
The UK and France have also agreed to keep at least one aircraft carrier at sea between them at any one time.
Another way states save money is to allow only a limited number of participants in home care programs at any one time.
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Because of the need for repairs, only half of the six Sea Harriers on Illustrious may be usable at any one time.
But they do perform support roles such as medical duties and at any one time about 500 to 600 women are in theatre.
The government limits the number of people who can be on the island at any one time to no more than 400 people.
Only about 5% of policemen are on patrol at any one time, even though patrol officers account for over half the police force.
We normally end up thinking that this frictional unemployment is going to be 3 perhaps 4% of the labour force at any one time.
FORBES: The Problem With US Unemployment Is That It Is Now Like European Unemployment
Strokes are the largest single cause of severe disability in England and Wales, with more than 250, 000 people being affected at any one time.
Users always seem to adjust to higher prices, but the global economy has limits to how much shock it can absorb at any one time.
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