This mortgage lenders and local bank might be worth a look at current prices.
At current prices, RIMM could be cut up and sold for spare parts at a profit.
At current prices, 400m euros' worth of gold amounts to about 10.36 tonnes of metal.
Valuation in the SNA is made at current prices used at the moment of transactions.
Coke may not be a screaming buy at current prices, but it would hardly seem overpriced.
At current prices, we feel that shares offer a compelling bargain to patient investors.
Published reserves are those amounts that everyone knows are there, are recoverable at current prices.
"We would be buyers of Toll, and nearly every other home builder, at current prices, " says Buckingham.
At current prices, that will only buy half a square meter of an apartment in downtown Beijing.
With consumer demand showing signs of weakness at current prices, the upside in oil prices appears limited for now.
Yes, the cash in the bank and receivables are actually worth more than the entire company at current prices.
At current prices BDC stocks offer yields ranging from around 7% to 11%.
But at current prices, I would not recommend making any large new investment.
It also happens to be one of the highest-yielding major American blue chips, with a 3.5% dividend at current prices.
Based on the improvements at Novatel, I think investors would do well to buy shares of NVTL at current prices.
Last month, I wrote that At Current Prices Tobacco is a No-Go, and I want to repeat that sentiment today.
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The sheer size of the gold ETF virtually guarantees that sellers will not be able to find buyers at current prices.
Yes, there are problems, there might even be deep and very troublesome problems, but at current prices the risks are worth taking.
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Multifamily construction is running at about 200, 000 apartment completions per year, and cannot possibly meet this shift in demand at current prices.
The important point is that this method is economic at current prices.
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Alt indicators at current prices, including changes in inventories and consumption of fixed capital, are valued at average prices of the accounting period.
That makes the price-to-earnings ratio look leaner than it is, since buyers at current prices are buying next year's growth at a discount.
Merck has, by virtue of its buyback announcement, said that it would like to buy 11% of its stock back at current prices.
If the Fed is late in acting this time round, neither bond nor equity markets are likely to be hugely attractive at current prices.
At current prices, that total looks set, this year, to double.
At current prices, this means that the company will buy back 982 million shares, or more than 20% of the company's float of 4.6 billion shares.
Staying in cash is not a viable long-term option, and investors would be out of their mind to put money in most bonds at current prices.
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Portugal holds 382.5 tonnes of gold, worth some 14.76bn euros at current prices, in its reserves, while Spain's holdings stand at 281.6 tonnes, worth 10.8bn euros.
At current prices, I believe a portfolio of dividend-paying stocks, REITs, and MLPs with high and rising cash payouts is the most sensible option for most investors.
It means the amount that we have examined, drilled, tested, weighed, can extract at current prices and with current technology and still make a profit doing so.
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