At dinner that evening I felt uneasy, as if I were concealing a secret.
He's never happier than when schmoozing with artists at dinner parties that run until 4 a.m.
Others I stumble on at openings and art fairs, at dinner parties and in elevators.
Last night at dinner, I mentioned this notion to our friends Mike and Rhonda.
The whales are all the talk that last night for the eight guests at dinner.
These folks may get tons of media, but are they really names we discuss at dinner?
They don't eat until lunchtime, and then they may overeat at that meal or overeat at dinner.
While Carter was at dinner, Robbins struck up a conversation with several of his Secret Service men.
At dinner, both Nana and Lili teased Huong, saying she had begun working for me, as a cleaning lady.
One night at dinner on the ship, my wife and I talked to a couple at the next table.
FORBES: Expectations at Sea: Planning Your Finances Rationally
It's now a few weeks' wait for a table at dinner, and often just a few days for lunch.
WSJ: An American Wine Lover in Paris | On Wine by Lettie Teague
When we're at dinner, we ask them, what did you eat for lunch?
One night at dinner in an ocean-side resort, I noticed a man and a woman seated across the room.
At dinner, the woman at the table next to mine looks unfazed as her male companion checks his phone.
After several vacations in Europe, I found that the best company at dinner came from Canadians or the British.
In the past, leaders hoped employees would promote the company at dinner parties.
There are those who believe certain vintages should be decanted at breakfast, hours before they will be drunk at dinner.
At dinner I heaped everything four inches high on a platter and washed it down with another two glasses of Chardonnay.
None of them said anything, although that night at dinner the skirted woman asked if he was going to Buenos Aires.
In an experience that parallels Hunt's, Clark once jumped under a table at dinner when the restaurant's air conditioner popped on suddenly.
As many know, it is often the serendipitous discussions and connections in the hallways or at dinner that yield the most value.
"We'd like to see people not use the full toolbox of products available to them, " he told me this week at dinner.
WSJ: How to Out-Bordeaux Bordeaux in Silicon Valley | On Wine by Jay McInerney
Still, that night at dinner, I grimaced in pain each time I reached across the table to dip a chip in guacamole.
This does not make me popular at dinner parties and family gatherings.
Not surprisingly, the specialty is seafood, lovingly prepared by French chef Nicolas Boutin, who offers a daily themed six course menu at dinner.
FORBES: Seafood or Seefood? The World's First All-Glass Underwater Restaurant
The good news is that marketing expenses likely will drop on a percentage basis as parents chat up your center at dinner parties.
At dinner with a group of journalists, U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers was similarly unhelpful about how long the U.S. boom could last.
He heard the news while at dinner at the Odeon in nearby Tribeca, bought a bottle of champagne from the bartender and headed downtown.
He can also be prickly: when Mrs Albright insisted on switching places at dinner, he was said to have gone home in a sulk.