"He is at home with us, he is a bit tired and worn out because it was a slightly long trip for him, " she said.
In our case, the life insurance paid off the mortgage, and provided enough for my mother to continue to stay at home with us until I was in high school.
The companies that are helping us cope with threats at home and abroad, those that are protecting us from calamity and creating preventive measures against it, indicate the way forward.
Calculating rationalists during the working day, they are much like the rest of us when they are at home with their boots off.
It has us all working at home and dealing with home at work.
Obama "can bring us the change we so desperately need by bringing us together as a nation here at home and with our allies abroad, " he said.
''If anyone remembers seeing Mr English at the weekend whether in town or at his home address, alone or with others, they should call us as that information could assist the inquiry.
The majority of working women tell us they consider the opportunity to stay at home with their children to be a financial luxury, and more than a third resent their partners for not earning enough to make it a possibility.
FORBES: Woman And TheBump.Com 'Parenthood And Economy 2012' Survey Results - Forbes
Howell still owns a luxury home at Glebe Road, outside Castlerock, where he lived with his US-born wife Kyle and their 10 children.
BBC: Killer dentist Colin Howell has assets in five countries
As we continue this important work with our partners around the world and here at home, let us remember the lives we have lost to AIDS, celebrate the progress we have made, and, together, recommit to ourselves to achieving our shared vision of an AIDS-free generation.
Daniel Watson said he was at home with his children when his wife called from the Toys "R" Us store, where she and her mother were shopping.
Then, at the door of their gingerbread-cute yet massive home, the entire clan greeted us with a Christmas yodel.
The maths study examined the availability of resources at home - such as books - with pupils in South Korea, Norway, Sweden and the US being the best equipped.
But for us to be able to promote those principles of peace requires us to be strong, and that begins with a strong economy here at home.
No, the statement is not that access to a computer at home is a basic human right, along with food, shelter and clothing that the rest of us must stump up taxes to pay for.
And I've been here for three years at Mary's Center, working in the Teen Program, and they help us with our homework and with anything we need, whether we have problems at home or anything else.
WHITEHOUSE: Roundtable with the First Lady and Mary's Center Teen Program | The White House
The survey polled nearly 1, 000 US women (67% were working outside the home and 33% stayed at home with their children) about their employment decisions post-motherhood, and how their financial situation and the economy affected those choices.
FORBES: Woman And TheBump.Com 'Parenthood And Economy 2012' Survey Results - Forbes
Because it makes no sense to teach international students at our top-notch colleges and universities only to send them home to compete against us rather than grow with us.
WHITEHOUSE: Making the Immigration System Work for Our Economy
Mr Schroeder's stance was popular at home but Joerg Himmelreich in Berlin says the damage to Germany's relations with its long-time protector, the US, has been lasting.
MP3 (and other) file formats would combine with increasingly affordable home computers to gently, but definitively, chip away at the CD's monopoly, bringing us to the present day.
"I am particularly grateful that these two men were with us today, " Bush said after the service attended by soldiers at Fort Hood, which is home to more than 20, 000 troops fighting in Iraq.