For Curt Morse, it was love at first sight: She was beautiful, stylish, and at perfect ease in her element.
But he clearly successfully hid from sight, at least our sight, for a very long time.
At first sight, the proposed spending curbs also look credible, at least compared with last year's plans, which crammed enormous cuts in discretionary domestic spending into the years after 2002.
For those who recoil in shock at the sight of some of Tokyo's more offbeat architectural offerings, there is at least some consolation.
His eyes were sparkling at the sight of a cacophony of wild life in Africa.
It was love at first sight for all three of them, and it never ended.
Indeed, at first sight, capitalism has little to do with Red Hat and its kind.
Does your kid freak out at the sight of little green flecks in his food?
When Bowers first visited the Fones Cliffs property, it was love at first sight.
At the airport check-in counter, a clerk brightened at the sight of my American passport.
In the carefree 1960s, two Amsterdam students, Kata and Stefan, fall in love at first sight.
At first sight, the reason why long working hours have started to fall appears straightforward.
At first sight, its returns look unexciting: just 6% annually, despite lots of risk.
At first sight, the results from the euro area do not look encouraging, moreover.
The public finances, too, are in less spanking order than they appear at first sight.
Which is rather odd at first sight but does have some possible sense in it.
This is that identical twins may not be as identical as appears at first sight.
Older men are known to get helpless high school crushes at the sight of beautiful younger women.
Hence the two have more in common in detail and practice than would appear at first sight.
Durban: To someone based in Europe, the demands, at first sight, seem both unconscionable and completely unrealistic.
But a seemingly innocuous challenge by Jorge Andrade proved to be more serious than at first sight.
We pass a lone ostrich and a herd of springbok, which scatter in all directions at the sight of us.
Egyptians on the balloon filming the scene can be heard crying and gasping in horror at the sight.
At first sight, a visitor to Suzhou might be tempted to believe Mr Lee's charge of municipal favouritism.
At first sight, her new book, published in Italy in 2011, seems very different from its anguished, slender predecessors.
But at first sight, it does not look like there are any similarities.
Wanting to create a product so iconic and beautiful where people drop their jaws at the sight of it.
FORBES: Diary of a Mad Entrepreneur and His 6-Figure Kickstarter Launch
Perot's eyes light up at the sight of yellow school buses in front of Houston's Museum of Natural Science.
WSJ: How Dallas Does Philanthropy: Perot Museum of Nature and Science
At first sight that is a bargain, because it would save German taxpayers from an open-ended commitment to Greece.
At first sight this seems strange, since the venture-capital industry in Britain is second only to America's in scale.
ECONOMIST: The fund may be new but the idea is surprisingly old