Early one evening, at that time of day when the apple blossoms release their lovely scent, Diana came out to stand in the back yard.
The National Sleep Foundation's 2013 Sleep in America poll, the task force of which was headed by Dr. Hirshkowitz, showed that exercise at any time of day, even close to bedtime, appears to be good for sleep.
The report said that traffic at the busiest time of the day could increase by 14% and the proportion of vehicles taking more than seven minutes to travel through the four villages would more than double.
BBC: Suffolk County Council report calls for villages bypass
Using the iPhones is a cost effective way of ensuring that students have the text books they need "at any time of day or night, wherever they are working", says the university.
The sad reality is that we spend the vast majority of our time each day at work, which makes it critical to be surrounded by people of integrity that you can trust and respect - people who will inspire and motivate you to become the very best person that you can be.
Researchers have found you can take that time and place it at other times of the day and still reap the same benefits.
And yesterday was the first time since that cold day at the end of January 1965 that the bells of Big Ben had fallen silent as a mark of respect for the dead - with the exception of a brief period in the 1970s, when the tower was closed for repairs.
BBC: Viewpoint: Margaret Thatcher funeral's place in history
That will mean news that is more relevant to viewers' needs at a time of day when they are best able to tune in.
Once served mainly for breakfast, nasi lemak (meaning fatty rice, but don't let that put you off) is now eaten at any time of the day or night.
He put the estimated time of death at around 10 a.m. that day.
People who seemed to know what they were talking about said that the sharks leave you alone unless you swim at the wrong time of day and look like a seal.
That means he has at least an hour more per day of family time than he had living in Boston or the Bay Area.
But at the end of the day, when it comes time to make that decision, as President, all you have to guide you are your life experiences.
But at the end of the day, when it comes time to make that decision as President, all a President has to guide them are their life experiences.
But at the end of the day, when it comes time to make that decision, all you have to guide you are your values, and your vision, and your life experiences.
But at the end of the day, when it comes time to make that decision, as President -- let me share with you what I have found -- all you have to guide you are your life experiences.
At that point, nattering nabobs of scientific negativism will no longer be given the time of day.
He really had never heard me at all, and that made it very clear to me that there was no point in trying to talk to him at this time of the day.
At the same time, private companies are developing new spaceships that will one day empower new generations of astronauts from around the world to work together, reaching deeper into space than ever before.
When a call comes in, the program looks at the position, speed, time of day and even the weather to calculate the chances that the driver will stop soon.
For chef Richard Blais, it was a taste here and a taste there done in the course of a day cooking at Blais, his Atlanta restaurant at the time, that caused him to balloon to 230 pounds.
WSJ: What's Your Workout?: In Pursuit of Love, Chef Learns to Love Running
Most of us who have been at this for a while know that trying to maintain a set number of hours or a particular time of day to work a business is as likely as expecting us to wear white gloves and pillbox hats again.
FORBES: Independent Business Women Now Determine Economic as Well as Political Agendas
John and I decided early on that we'd avoid e-mail and texts in favor of phone calls at a set time each day.
In fact, Pareto Securities found that Chinese implied oil demand came in at an all-time high of 9.8 million barrels per day in September.
FORBES: World Starting To See Big Bargains In Chinese Stocks
Those of us who were in Washington that day, without knowing it for sure at the time, now know we owe them an overwhelming special, personal debt of gratitude.
Taking a closer look at RVBD's technical backdrop, we find that the shares are consolidating just shy of all-time high territory, with support at their 10-day and 20-day moving averages rising into the area.
Because experts are able to retrieve exact colors and details used at the time of construction, there is a school that champions redoing the interior just the way it was the day it opened.
They also found that any impact on stock prices occurs at the time of the announcement of the ad buy, rather than the day after the ad ran during the Super Bowl.
FORBES: The Real Reason That Super Bowl Ads Are Worth The Money
Ira (Dr. Ike) Padnos is an anesthesiologist who has poured much of his free time and spare cash into the Ponderosa Stomp, a two-day show that runs at the House of Blues Apr. 28 and 29.
The exact time of death is yet to be determined, but police said that she had been dead at least a day before she was discovered.