Dr Johnson, who presented these findings this week at the European Respiratory Congress in Vienna, concludes that antibiotic use at the beginning of life is mucking up infants' immune systems, malfunctions of which manifest themselves in the form of asthma and allergies.
Its members are collecting signatures for a petition to change the law so it defines life as beginning at the moment of conception.
BBC: South Carolina: Up close and in personhood
Or will the Egyptian people take back their country, throw off Hitler's long shadow, and begin again on the hopeful path to democracy and a decent life that they began at the beginning of the modern era?
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Why We Should Fear the Moslem Brother
Jane Eyre was a forceful and resource character who, when beginning life at the wrong end of the gender and class relations of 19th century England, did the best with what she had and prevailed.
FORBES: Jane Eyre: Lustful Feminist
The pair were sentenced to life after being found guilty by an Old Bailey jury at the beginning of January.
BBC: Stephen Lawrence killers to launch appeal
Music was always an important part of social and cultural life of Afghanistan, depending on the religion at various times, beginning with Zoroastrianism through Buddhism, through pre-Islamic traditions, and in Islamic tradition music was closely associated with Sufism or mysticism.
WSJ: Making Music Against the Odds | Ensembles of Afghanistan National Institute of Music
We just have the opposite of term life insurance, in that the need is less likely to occur at the beginning than at the end.
FORBES: The Whole Truth About Wisconsin Individual Health Insurance Rate Expectations Under Obamacare
Ironically, at the beginning of April this year the finance ministry introduced a new rule under which pension funds could count life policies as investments guaranteed to return principal, thereby making it easier to invest in life insurance.
ECONOMIST: Not all it should be