"For her to criticise without actually being at the coalface is certainly not helpful".
BBC: Dame Kiri remarks strike sour note
But for organisations at the coalface of delivering energy efficient homes, the policy change involves a real financial worry.
BBC: Rising fuel bills: Concern over govt 'Green Deal'
At the very least, work with organizations already at the coalface day after day, collaborate with and listen to them.
CNN: Sexualized Femen protest 'naive and foolish at best'
Corry, who won 64 England caps, brought his Test career to a close after more than 10 years at the coalface.
BBC: Tindall lauds 'unsung hero' Corry
Perhaps because, since they run smaller shops than the health secretary for England, Alan Milburn, they have more contact with, and therefore more faith in, those at the coalface.
ECONOMIST: New ideas for running health and education
"The busier I became the more I realized the importance of staying connected and accessible to the people who are at the coalface of our business, " Mirchandani told CNN.
CNN: Spending quality time with staff
With the likes of Martin Johnson, Neil Back and Graham Rowntree at the coalface, Leicester captured league titles in 1999 and 2000 to establish themselves as the major force in English rugby.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | English | A Leicester legend
Committee members will be examining whether Sir David and those at the centre have the information they need to assess performance at the coalface, and bring the worst performers up to the level of the best.
BBC: Week ahead in committees
"Either way, ministers need to look at ways of getting High Street funding out to the coalface much quicker, " he said.
BBC: High Street retail fund 'barely touched'