Atthe very least a National Security Council meeting should be convened attheearliestpossibletime to consider the foregoing recommendations and other policy options.
For its part, the Center for Security Policy has steadfastly believed that the V-22 would be truly a transformational weapon system and urged that it be brought to bear attheearliestpossibletime.
If the critics are right -- a significant "if" -- about the imminence of effective countermeasures falling into the hands of potential adversaries, the argument is only reinforced for pursuing multiple means of acquiring layered missile defenses attheearliestpossibletime .
That this legislation will become law, however, is far from certain, and it is of critical importance that the American people convey to their elected representatives their strong opposition to global taxes so that the Senate may act on this legislation attheearliestpossibletime.
Inspectors said Mr Wilby should have been given an indication of the allegations against him atthetime of his suspension and should have been given a chance to meet investigators attheearliestpossible opportunity.