In less than three decades the country has gone from being a food importer to a global breadbasket, exporting everything from soybeans to sugar, beef and orange juice, often at the expense of the environment.
Greed, survival of the fittest, ego and the exploitation of natural resources at the expense of the environment are things that the Arhuac cannot comprehend and suffer with patience.
BBC: Colombia��s spiritual centre
There, consumers want to believe their wood has not come to them at the expense of the environment and will pay as much as 50% more for certified stuff.
ECONOMIST: Malaysia: Good fellers | The
North Norfolk District Council has simply been pursuing a political agenda to support big business at the direct expense of the environment and the householders of North Norfolk.
BBC: Great Ryburgh villagers win lorry park court case
But it would be easy to move too far (once again) from the research role, at the expense of the academic rigour necessary in a university environment.
ECONOMIST: The Gordon-Howell report of 1959
This is true even when serving the interests of shareholders comes at the expense of its workers, community, or the environment.
FORBES: A Solution To The BP Problem: Changing The Rules Of The Game
Neither the Eurocentric right nor the multicultural left want to abandon the Americentric environment in which baseball, American football and basketball flourish at the expense of foreign sports.
ECONOMIST: Exceptional America