But when we looked at the actual data (which are opaque at first sight and pretty hard to get), the price differences appeared huge: some paid 6 euros for a kilogram, others 8, and yet other 10 or even 12.
FORBES: Most People Don't Know Their Business (so asking them about it is useless)
Even the recently observed phenomenon of intergenerational epigenetics, which at first sight looks like the inheritance of acquired characteristics (a real Darwinian no-no), probably has less to it than meets the eye.
And I talked about the, you know, the experience of sort of going out in the woods and at first being afraid to leave sight of the buildings and people and later on it became being afraid to come back to the sight of buildings and people.
Just after the Genoa summit, he told a foreign-ministry audience that it was only at first sight that globalisation reduced the role of the state.
ECONOMIST: Globalisation through French eyes: Putting the brakes on | The
At first sight, the reason why long working hours have started to fall appears straightforward.
At first sight, the results from the euro area do not look encouraging, moreover.
Durban: To someone based in Europe, the demands, at first sight, seem both unconscionable and completely unrealistic.
As they arrive in Zermatt, visitors give whoops of joy at their first sight of the Matterhorn (4, 478 metres).
At first sight, the British outbreak of wimpishness is striking.
At first sight, the proposed spending curbs also look credible, at least compared with last year's plans, which crammed enormous cuts in discretionary domestic spending into the years after 2002.
But at first sight, the figures on employment do appear to be more encouraging than one might have expected - an increase of 181, 000 on the quarter and, more modestly, an increase of 75, 000 year-on-year.
At first sight, the 50m-high metal cage appears to be little more than makeshift scaffolding, and with only six discrete steel cables supporting the structure, the sway of the platform is quite noticeable, even in a gentle breeze.
The question seems particularly acute seeing that, at first sight, there seems to be very little in the exclusive-contracts issue for Airbus: none of these airlines (which themselves sought the exclusive deals with Boeing) has shown much interest in buying Airbus aircraft.
When Bowers first visited the Fones Cliffs property, it was love at first sight.
The nine-times champions of Europe dominated the first half and should have been out of sight at the break.
And you do share his wonder at first catching sight of the ship, now half-buried in silt and shrouded in rusticles.
Google's move on Motorola and its warehouse of patents appeared bold at first sight, offering the prospect of a more integrated Android ecosystem.
Campaigners also want to see people given more education about how to manage money which might help flag up the pitfalls of what at first sight seems like a straight forward way to get yourself some fast cash.
"You can't get to a place today where for the first time the proposals are being unveiled at a public meeting and no one has had sight of them, save on the front of a newspaper, " she said.
At first sight this seems strange, since the venture-capital industry in Britain is second only to America's in scale.
ECONOMIST: The fund may be new but the idea is surprisingly old
At first sight, it looks as if the private sector is gouging consumers.
At first sight, it looked as if the reason was that the chub were being eaten by trout introduced for sport fishing in the mid-20th century.
Many of the problems in both South Korean politics and the economy appear deeper and more entrenched than at first sight.
Peyrelongue attempted to reply in kind with an untidy effort that at first sight seemed to have dipped just under the crossbar.
"I loved them at first sight, " she says, especially the ornate reliquaries.
At first sight this is only going to persuade the converted.