The journey from very devout Catholic to outspoken atheist took about six months total.
What's certain is that no one has taken over Madalyn's mantle as America's atheist Elmer Gantry.
Cromwell is interestingly indifferent in matters of religion, and at times almost skeptical or near-atheist.
This feeling for the unseen set him apart from his parents' rational, atheist, progressive outlook.
Frustrated that managers looked the other way, he started an atheist and agnostic group at work.
Hitchens, one of our great political pugilists, delivers the best of the recent rash of atheist manifestos.
Only 29, 267 people specifically described themselves as atheist while 6, 242 put "heavy metal" down as their faith.
This view would be seen by both religious and atheist zealouts as wishy-washy and sitting on the fence.
Outsiders sometimes assume that it is hard to be an outspoken atheist in a devout country such as America.
He has started his own blog, The Joyful Atheist, to further explore questions of religion, reason and science.
He identified himself as an activist, a card-carrying atheist, and he proceeded to point out the errors of my logic.
I'm still an atheist, but nowadays I'm one who finds a lot to admire in religion and in religious communities.
"I count myself an atheist and I thought it was far better to be honest about that, " she said afterwards.
Bolstered by this, they crank up the dismissiveness and vitriol with the knowledge that all their atheist friends have their back.
Muto did get a book deal out of the experience, though, and "An Atheist in the Foxhole" (Dutton) is being released Tuesday.
His latest book, "The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism among the Primates, " will be published by Norton on Monday.
One way to convert a smart city atheist could be to help cities make smart technology choices based on their consumer identity.
During a interview with atheist author Richard Dawkins, the presenter also used the term "religious hogwash" when introducing the story of Genesis.
The campaign, which will also feature on the Tube, is backed by the British Humanist Association and prominent atheist, Professor Richard Dawkins.
While Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist thinkers have spoken in the slot, secular or atheist viewpoints have not been used.
"An Atheist in the Foxhole" mixes work anecdotes with the story of the uncomfortable hours before he was led out of Fox's office.
This is not the bold, humorless laugh of the triumphant atheist, who conquers what he calls death and his own fear of it.
While the United States widely celebrates Christmas, China is largely non-religious, with over 60% of the population considering themselves agnostic or atheist.
The atheist group was asked by the UCL union to remove it, but refused and started a petition defending its freedom of expression.
UCL's Atheist, Secularist and Humanist society said its president Robbie Yellon was stepping down to be replaced by former vice president Michael Thor.
Prominent atheist Prof Dawkins and the former Archbishop of Canterbury will discuss whether "religion has no place in the 21st Century" on Thursday.
While Ryan was an atheist and a strident capitalist in the vein of John Galt, Comstock is a religious figure and an ultra-nationalist.
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Though Tolkien, a Catholic, helped reconvert Lewis to Christianity after his atheist years, it is Lewis's fantasy world, not Tolkien's, that radiates Christian allegory.
Without even realizing it, I prayed to God after a long time (even though for many years I have been considering myself an atheist).
Only 5% of Americans admit that they would not vote for an otherwise qualified black presidential candidate, but 53% say they would shun an atheist.
ECONOMIST: Reflections on a summer camp for the children of atheists