The music is modernist too, atonal rather than derived from the Russian folk tradition.
BBC: Sparkling Stravinsky
Then he makes the chords stormier, driving them into an atonal snowdrift.
NPR: James Booker: Making the Insipid Sublime
It sounds like atonal music, or so goes the joke, a one-liner as inescapable as the popular response to abstract art: My child could paint that.
FORBES: How Cory Arcangel Makes Art Memes Out Of YouTube Videos And Super Mario Bros.
His enthusiasm may not have extended to the Second Viennese School, but he was not averse to atonal music, though he preferred it with a theme, a rhythm or a sequence.
ECONOMIST: Paul Sacher
Just as Kandinsky turned his back on figuration, so did the atonal composers of the early 20th century, led by Arnold Schoenberg, abandon tonal harmony, the fundamental ordering principle on which all Western classical music had previously been based.
WSJ: The Seductive Lure of Abstraction | Sightings by Terry Teachout