Granting combatant status also would guarantee that beneficiaries of military service members killed in the attack can receive the maximum life insurance benefit, according to Carter's office.
Or good policy, some would argue, since the families who lost loved ones in the WTC attack are destined to receive generous compensation from the government and charities.
The weapons should be made to cover key positions likely to receive any counter attack through likely avenues of approach with overlapping fields of fire and pinpoint targeting by the snipers.
And please tell me again how it is ever good policy ever in any business or political negotiation ever to openly attack the party with which you are trying to receive favorable outcomes to a negotiation with.
The New York Times reported that defense department officials said they did not receive a request for help from the State Department as the attack unfolded.
Can you give us an idea of when the President -- when you expect the President may receive that, and what kind of action the White House may take to prevent another terror attack like that?