Mr Russell has issued a letter to others who were in attendanceatthemeeting expressing his concerns and informing them that their comments were recorded.
Indeed, of the 40 women in attendanceat a December meeting of the San Francisco chapter of Women in Technology International, only four were actual technologists.
Although Clinton tried to keep the focus on Afghanistan, her attendanceatthe conference with a senior Iranian official marked the first such meeting involving the two countries as the Obama administration seeks greater engagement with Iran.
In terms of the survey results, it is important to point out that the results are from a audience poll at a meeting where attendance included about 55 physicians.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs told CNN the government will be meeting later Friday with the prime minister to discuss attendance by the nation's lawmakers atthe tournament, while a German government spokesman confirmed that chancellor Angela Merkel would not be attending any of the first-round matches due to her time schedule.