The federal tax code with its attendant regulations is 8 million words and growing.
You will also be given some shoes by your attendant - either traditional wooden clogs or fluorescent flip-flops.
The attendant at the counter, however, had an entirely different goal in mind: namely, an upgrade.
Unlike Sergio Garcia, Yen-Ling Rogers is a US citizen, a flight attendant and not famous.
The loser would have to serve as a female flight attendant on the winner's airline.
Former flight attendant Beverlie Nichols knows it's more about the journey than the destination.
Sarah-Ann Soffer, 30, gave the flight attendant the news after spotting it on Twitter.
Her calls for help brought a pool attendant who resuscitated the child, who recovered fully.
It pains me to decline your invitation, but the attendant circumstances leave no other option.
Due to the attendant vagaries, venture managers have tremendous leeway in valuing portfolio securities.
FORBES: Pensions Funds: Funding Unsavory Practices of Venture Capitalists (May 1, 2000)
My mom called a flight attendant to ask what "they" had for an upset stomach.
WSJ: Marisa Acocella Marchetto on the Flight Attendant From Hell | Traveler's Tale
Yesterday, JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater is alleged to have done that very thing.
FORBES: JetBlue Flight Attendant's $25,000 Escape To Freedom
All require extensive paperwork to be filled out, with attendant fees, before a sale can commence.
FORBES: Stoop Sales Attract Big-Time Attention: Even The Taxman Is Interested In Your Junk
The upperworld Irene and otherworldly Great-Great-Grandmother Irene, and their attendant characters, wear natural-waisted dresses.
So a 1:50 p.m. walk-up request might claim an attendant waiting for a 2 p.m. reservation.
WSJ: Airports Battle Bogus Requests for Wheelchair Assistance
Right after the flight took off, my Southwest flight attendant came by quickly, took my order.
So will serious reflection, with its attendant uncertainty and anxiety, replace all that defiant hedonism?
"It was insane, " said Adel Al-Shabooti, an admissions attendant at Upton Hill pool in Arlington, Va.
The problem goes beyond political correctness and an attendant, inadequate oversight of an obviously problematic individual.
She looked up to the attendant for some flicker of solidarity, but got nothing.
The new mother named her child after the flight attendant who helped with the delivery.
The attendant stepped out of the room, which was full of locked white cabinets.
Famed for its colossal mines and attendant facilities, the town is home to around 23, 500 souls.
Getting fuel often depends on knowing the pump attendant, since petrol is tightly rationed.
Wearing the thick bathrobe provided by an attendant, I walk from the shower to the wash basin.
WSJ: Jeffery Deaver on Bathrooms Around the World | Traveler's Tale
The United States should bring Nicaragua into the Caribbean Basin Initiative and the attendant preferential tariff treatment.
So what can they learn and for that matter ALL of us learn from this flight attendant?
FORBES: What Brands And Marketers Can Learn From A Flight Attendant
But the relentless push for more graduates, with all the attendant over-selling and over-subsidizing, needs to end.
The flight attendant pulled no punches and there was not a second of hesitation on their part.
FORBES: What Brands And Marketers Can Learn From A Flight Attendant
Digital cameras have flaws and compromises that are usually attendant at the launch of innovative consumer products.