In other words, a crossword puzzle may be a good remedy for an ailing attention span.
Johnson provides a method for lengthening your attention span using similar techniques to marathon training.
As far as trading these markets, you certainly need to have a short attention span.
The business of campaigning soon eclipsed the business of government in the national attention span.
The chancellor, Gordon Brown, is notorious for his short attention span when transport is discussed.
Kent needs to assume that readers are busy and have a limited attention span.
Forty-eight teams are a lot--so many that they would exasperate the attention span of even ardent fans.
Johnson then moves on to more tactical approaches such as improving your attention span and eliminating distraction.
We have, after all, become a nation of short-attention span clickers when presented with a computer screen.
Second, I have the attention span of a gnat, so I am the last person who should be developing anything.
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Like many writers, I worry about the decline of reading in an era of digital devices that whittle away our attention span.
The main point to consider when designing creative for Times Square boards is that the audience has an incredibly short attention span.
The parents were amazed that their kids, normally with a short attention span, instantly took to solving the puzzles that we presented.
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Steve is like an overgrown teenager in his enthusiasms and attention span.
People in our social networking epoch have the attention span of fleas.
What a concept: an American company with a multiyear attention span.
The internet, and by extension, popular opinion among a broad swath of humanity, has a short attention span, for better and for worse.
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Then again, how many of your neighbors have the attention span to make it through an 1, 100-page novel replete with 90-page philosophy screeds?
It's important, she notes, that these tomes "speak to the four-minute attention span" so guests don't end up staying too long in the powder room.
And if you're watching online, as opposed to sitting in a room with the performers, your attention span is about two clicks away from evaporating.
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Their customers are fickle, impatient and have a short attention span.
FORBES: Netflix is Genius. Spacey is Brilliant. I Am Just Lazy.
The attention span of celebrities for projects tends to be short-lived.
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Just as political apathy perverts democracies, our refusal to analyze stocks turned the stock market into a bipolar maniac with the attention span of a goldfish.
That's because, just two years after Amazon's Kindle kicked open the e-book category, consumers' attention span for yet another electronic reader launch looks to have waned.
Like most teenagers this kid has a ton of entertainment and information choices, a short attention span and a low tolerance for anything that violates his space.
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The museum also has a dynamic touch-screen map that allows visitors to explore the nation's musical heritage and several video displays that will distract any kid's short attention span.
The researchers also looked at positive emotional factors such as having a good attention span and found this was linked with better cardiovascular health, although to a lesser degree.
Roman Abramovich may appear to have the attention span of a squirrel on crystal meth but the one thing you cannot argue with is the success he has brought Chelsea.
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While the media form is still nascent, I can share that I have found it to be worthy of at least a few measures of my already well-divided attention span.