Last month, Attorney General Janet Reno promised some of these new steps to combat cyber-crime.
CNN: Government sees cyber-attacks as disruption of commerce
Attorney General Janet Reno personally approved the letter, which was signed by a career Justice Department lawyer.
Attorney General Janet Reno in September ordered a 90-day investigation of Clinton's fund-raising during his 1996 re-election campaign.
The memorandum still has a number of layers of review before it ever reaches Attorney General Janet Reno.
Justice Department officials say Attorney General Janet Reno has urged President Clinton to veto the measure if necessary.
CNN: AllPolitics - Justice Dept, Hyde Tangle Over Acquitted Defendants' Legal Fees
Attorney General Janet Reno may yet appoint an independent counsel to look into the DNC's financial fund-raising overseas.
Exasperated FBI authorities appealed to Attorney General Janet Reno, but she wouldn't budge.
U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said the boy's father speaks for the boy, ordering Elian returned to his homeland.
Attorney General Janet Reno indicated today that her position on appointment of an independent counsel in the campaign fund-raising scandal remains unchanged.
Bush's Democratic challenger, former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, who is lagging in the polls, was quick to use the tragedy against Bush.
Attorney General Janet Reno sent her request for a special prosecutor to the special three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals on May 11.
The Monica job hunt fit the same pattern--and Starr used it to help persuade Attorney General Janet Reno to let him probe the Lewinsky affair.
But Smaltz has the distinction of making even the most neutral lawyers argue that Attorney General Janet Reno should think twice before triggering any more such appointments.
Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) plans to introduce a non-binding resolution urging Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel to investigate the Democrats' fund-raising.
Geragos sent a letter Thursday to Starr and Attorney General Janet Reno, requesting McDougal be released from jail until the inquiry into alleged payments to Hale is complete.
John Warner, who heads the Senate Rules Committee, sent Attorney General Janet Reno a letter asking for six FBI agents, while questioning her decision to end Justice's participation.
Attorney General Janet Reno is meeting with her Chinese counterpart, Justice Minister Xiao Yang, during an all-day series of talks expected to include discussions of the campaign-finance scandal.
CNN: AllPolitics - Reno Hosts Chinese Counterpart And Beijing Delegation
Attorney General Janet Reno says she was alarmed enough to want to brief then-National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, but she says she was unable to reach him personally.
CNN: AllPolitics - U.S. Intelligence Tracks Alleged China Plot
Attorney General Janet Reno said today she continues to hold the view that it is not necessary for her to seek an independent counsel in the campaign funds investigation.
CNN: AllPolitics - Reno, Freeh Discuss Independent Counsel For Fund-Raising
TEMPLE-RASTON: And he was asked to actually take part in that investigation by then Attorney General Janet Reno because law enforcement in the Boston area had a conflict of interest.
Republican critics of Attorney General Janet Reno have repeatedly demanded she appoint an independent counsel to take over the investigation, which remains in the hands of career Justice Department prosecutors.
CNN: Democratic donor to plead guilty to illegal contributions
Huang is the 17th person prosecuted by the Campaign Financing Task Force, established by Attorney General Janet Reno to investigate allegations of campaign finance abuses during the 1996 election cycle.
Reacting to the House vote, Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno said the legislation should have allocated funds for prevention and intervention programs, and that combatting gang-related violence needs greater focus.
On Tuesday, FBI Director Louis Freeh informed U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno that someone outside the Justice Department should head the investigation into the final assault on the Branch Davidian compound.
Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) announced he is preparing a Senate resolution that will call on Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint an independent counsel to look into the Democratic fund-raising.
U.S. Justice Department prosecutors have recommended that U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno take the next step toward the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate former Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary, CNN has learned.
CNN: AllPolitics - Independent Counsel Investigation Of Former Energy Secretary?
She has also served as a member of the National Commission on Terrorism, a legal advisor to U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and a trial attorney and counselor in the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department.
Freeh's highly publiclized difference of opinion with Attorney General Janet Reno over the issue of seeking an independent counsel to investigate the president's and vice president's fund-raising activities has certainly influenced the way the White House views Freeh.
When asked why he does not ask Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint a special counsel, as he did for Whitewater, the president said at that time there was no current law on the books describing the threshold.
Republicans say Clinton is pushing campaign-finance reform in an attempt to change the subject from the ongoing fund-raising controversy, which in recent weeks has focused on him, with Attorney General Janet Reno considering the need for an independent counsel.