That settlement had input from staff from the attorney general's office and the comptroller's office, although Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, both Democrats, said they never knew of the issue or three drafts of the settlement that were circulated to lawyers in their offices.
The MoJ said it was working with the Home Office and Attorney General's Office, and the review would closely involve the police, Crown Prosecution Service, victims' organisations, the judiciary and the legal community.
At the sentencing, Ms. Huntley's attorney also claimed that Ms. Huntley informed investigators that she knew about "corruption involving Eric Schneiderman, " the New York attorney general whose office had filed state charges against Ms. Huntley in August regarding her non-profit agency.
But Kate Whelley McCabe, an assistant attorney general at the Vermont attorney general's office, says cramming complaints are often underreported anyway.
The statement says Jamail met twice in his own office with Morales and a third time in the attorney general's office in Austin.
Two bartenders were arrested in connection with Shabazz's killing, the attorney general's office said.
Troops turned the case over to the Mexican attorney general's office, the defense ministry said.
CNN: Will new video convince Mexican judge to free U.S. mom?
The attorney general's office has sought documents and information from several firms, including Bank of America Corp.
Almost half the cases in the latest records from the Attorney General's Office were settled last year.
Two years later the attorney general's office created a specialized court to try femicides and other violent crimes against women.
The California state attorney general's office is helping the Los Angeles Police Department in Jackson's death investigation.
Earlier this month, investigators from the attorney general's office visited King and asked him to recount his story.
Mr Brown has now been granted permission by the Attorney General's office to ask for a new inquest.
And in this case, neither the attorney general's office nor the SEC was collecting data on NYSE governance.
The investigation, led by the country's attorney general's office, will take a few more weeks, Mr. Lozoya said.
After proclaiming his innocence, Ginandjar voluntarily went to the attorney general's office on Oct. 19 to refute the charges.
The Charities Bureau of the New York state attorney general's office has opened its own investigation into the coalition.
The Attorney General's Office has set up a web site to collect consumer complaints about the company at
The state attorney general's office has not filed criminal charges in the case.
Mr. PETER SCHIFF (Attorney, New York Attorney General's Office): It hasn't been historically just because two people love each other.
On Thursday, the California attorney general's office said it is helping the Los Angeles Police Department in the death investigation.
When asked about the specific allegations of corruption, CNN was referred by local authorities to the Tamaulipas Attorney General's Office.
It isn't clear if the New York attorney general's office took its steps before or after the Justice Department lawsuit.
The new charges of breaking immigration law come two days after the Attorney General's Office declined to authorise his prosecution.
Peter Schiff with the New York Attorney General's office argued that the state legislature has a reason to protect heterosexual marriage.
The talks also centered on how to quickly get the foreclosure process moving again, according to the Florida attorney general's office.
The records are the second batch of documents from the Freedom of Information Law request to the state Attorney General's Office.
It is also the focus of an investigation by police, the state attorney general's office and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
One state attorney general's office confirms it is close to taking action.
In July 2010, Mexico's attorney general's office alleged that inmates from the prison were let out to kill rival drug gang members.