• Although a Japanese cult-group, Aum Shinrikyo, planned to use biological weapons they actually attempted and failed to disseminate biological agents for terrorist purposes.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • They say Naoko Kikuchi, a 40-year-old ex-member of the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult, was picked up in Sagamihara, west of Tokyo, on Sunday.

    BBC: Japan 'doomsday cult member' held

  • As the end of the century nears, it would be surprising indeed if Aum Shinrikyo turned out to be the only cult in Japan that believed in an apocalyptic tomorrow.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese cults

  • Japan, which has local police forces rather than a real national one and is hesitant, for historical reasons, about interfering with religious groups, may be the only industrial democracy where a sect like Aum Shinrikyo could have gathered so much destructive power.

    ECONOMIST: Coming soon to a city near you | The

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