The country's austere Protestantism helps to explain this, but so may a culture of industrial might.
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Vale of Glamorgan MP Alun Cairns said a 7% increase "during these austere times is disappointing".
BBC: South Wales Police precept rises 7% as proposals backed
An austere government is strictly frugal and avoids spending on programs that are viewed as nonessential.
It could be these austere times, but I have left the dent in my fender.
Latin American outlets stress Jesuit Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio's austere, down-to-earth habits and social concerns.
"Cool and austere" is how The New York Times described him in a 2003 article.
Roberto Junguito, Mr Uribe's experienced choice as finance minister, says next year's budget will be austere.
Performed on an austere metallic set, the play-within-a-play features CCTV and heavy metal guitars.
At first, the grey, austere Mr Jospin seemed scarcely more likely to warm the cockles.
Victims are not cross-examined aggressively in austere courtrooms, but given time, respect and recognition.
Whatever the results next week, the Netherlands looks set to enter a period of austere introspection.
Taking a look at legal budgets may be sound advice for energy companies, especially during austere times.
Mr Leung cuts a mysterious figure, with an austere personal style that makes him easy to demonise.
The meze (hors d'oeuvres) you will eat will be simple, the kebaps austere, the salads unstructured and the seafood unsauced.
Hundt and Levin are fully aware of the current budget stalemate and the austere climate in Washington.
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In these austere times, both parties were looking to deliver demonstrable return on marketing investment above all else.
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The facade is austere white marble and black granite, with a towering auditorium rising above the main building.
The former Army officer with the plummy accent, and slightly austere manner, assumed office on 25 March 1963.
They ultimately share expenses with an austere, cultured widow (Joan Plowright) and a gorgoeus, bored aristocrat (Polly Walker).
That is not the same as, nor does it lead to, an austere economy or standard of living.
You would have to be religiously observant and austere yourself, then, to really seek a ban on Christmas.
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Reprints of academic monologues from Oxford University Press put out by Sandpiper Press are as austere as ever.
William liked Bloomington, with its lush, towering trees, and fireflies at dusk, and its austere gray university buildings.
America is blessed with open space, wilderness areas, mountain vistas, diverse wildlife, austere desert and bountiful farm land.
In the annual Mais lecture on February 24th Mr Osborne seemed to reiterate his original hard-headedly austere view.
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There are no brakes on this austere vehicle, no accelerator, no steering wheel.
Implicit in his closing analysis is that stable money is austere and cruel.
Despite the austere times, the torch was mobbed by crowds along the route.
Mr Serra insists he supports the government's austere fiscal policy, and says he wants an inflation target of just 2.5%.
The railway budget came two days ahead of the annual budget, which is widely expected to be an austere one.