The group's patriarch, Antonio Ermirio de Moraes, is well known in Brazil as a man of austere habits and a social conscience.
Since such bases will, by design, be relatively austere, a premium will be placed on those platforms that can utilize less-developed infrastructures and facilities.
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Instead, a combination of multiple, austere silos among which a transportable (as opposed to fully mobile) missile could be moved and an ability to defend the loaded silos preferentially offers a more militarily and cost-effective approach.
Pompadour added symmetrical wings to both sides of the structure, opened up the interiors and replaced the austere furniture with a more contemporary style.
Harriet Walter's austere Brutus is a performance of riveting intricacy.
He had an austere childhood in a remote Jura village, growing up with a stern father (not to be disappointed) and a depressive mother (not to be troubled by his own fears).
In 1986, he published "The Fatal Shore, " an epic account of the founding of Australia that vividly portrayed the austere origins of a land born of convicts transported to the antipodes aboard squalid vessels.
Bernal's austere tale of a young woman who goes on a healing crusade after seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary, which stars Filipino actress Nora Aunor, took the prize with 32 percent of the vote.
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Church authorities whitewashed most of the interior in the mid-16th century, as part of the Counter-Reformation's effort to promote a more austere and theologically rigorous faith.
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But you are in headquarters, in a pretty austere environment.
In 1948, however, austerity was rather more austere: there was a fuel shortage, strikes, mass homelessness and even meaner rationing than there had been during the second world war.
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This Irish success is of Irish making, as successive governments have opened the country's markets, lowered taxes, improved education and managed the public finances in a sensibly austere way.
The normally glitzy alpine town has had a noticeably austere, dressed-down feel, with fewer parties and more conservative business suits in evidence, as grim-faced delegates appeared to resign themselves to the prospect of a long recession.
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The Selimiye Mosque, in Edirne, a city in northwest Turkey, is a magnificent stone edifice, with four minarets and an austere, octagonal-shaped body supporting a large dome.
The decline in the Tories' popularity in recent months continues to puzzle, with some putting it down to a message that is too bleakly austere and others blaming it on something close to the opposite: a lack of Thatcherite punch and clarity.
Whatever the results next week, the Netherlands looks set to enter a period of austere introspection.
This year, the festivities are likely to be a little more austere.
As prime minister he will have to cope with more austere times and deal with a debt hangover that threatens to devalue his political stock.
And even austere New Labour has made a spending pledge, on top of its commitment to increase education's share of national income, in this campaign.
An immediate commitment to balance the budget might be a rather more austere economic diet than equity investors would desire, even if bond investors took cheer.
In the tradition of the televangelist, that bond has survived its creator's metamorphosis from austere crusader against corruption to a man who clearly enjoys power and its perquisites.
The problem, at least for now, is that the U.S. policy direction is running counter to what causes economies to grow, and this is driving the talk of a new, austere future.
It started a lot later than Western Lent, and the Orthodox Lent is a lot more austere than the Catholic Lent in that we give up all meat and all dairy for the full duration.
Chalk it up to a backlash against austere boutique hotels, or to the current interest in multigenerational family travel, but the Adirondack "great camp"--that rustic outpost of the Gilded Age--is enjoying a renaissance as a travel destination.
At a time when most Californians anticipate an austere retirement (if they can afford to retire at all), government pensions are a source of real voter anger.
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Therefore the ECB, without doing any real damage, looks solid and austere in the battle against inflation for a little bit longer.
In a country where few successful politicians are poor, he lives in a modest flat in an austere public-housing complex in Porto Alegre.
Mr Leung cuts a mysterious figure, with an austere personal style that makes him easy to demonise.