The early start to the Western wildfire season has authorities concerned.
Mr Andrews said that the Welsh government will be taking action over the next few days with, he hoped, the co-operation of the local authorities concerned.
"Expressing sympathies with the bereaved families, the president directed the authorities concerned to ensure that the best medical treatment was provided to the injured, " a statement from Zardari said.
And the managers correctly informed the financial authorities concerned.
They said she was regularly in contact with social services, after neighbours, teachers and hospital staff contacted the authorities concerned about injuries to her body, her poor attendance at school and the adults she was involved with.
According to the statement, the name of the country was withheld in order to give time for "Iraqi authorities concerned to inform officials of that state through the right channels in order to know their reaction to to such vicious involvement".
BBC: News | Middle East | Iraqi police arrest assassin suspects
The text of the decision also requested the Director-General of UNESCO to send a mission to Mali when possible with a view to assessing, together with the national authorities concerned as well as the local authorities, the extent of the damage and destruction and define urgent conservation needs.
Authorities are concerned about security since Sunni insurgents have targeted large Shiite gatherings in the past.
The authorities are concerned the service is undermining its efforts to tackle drink-driving in the country.
He said about 50, 000 need assistance, but authorities are concerned that the number will continue to grow.
Analysts say Chinese authorities are concerned that the rising cost of basic foodstuffs could fuel social unrest.
Some national security authorities are concerned that Wahhabi and Wahhabi-oriented groups are trying to hijack Islam in the United States and strengthen pro-terrorist elements.
Horse meat is not harmful in itself but authorities are concerned by its unauthorized presence in case it is tainted with a veterinary drug used to treat horses.
The officials said part of the reason for the lockdown is that authorities are concerned the brothers may have had accomplices, and if so, any such accomplices could also try to take action.
The survey also found that some authorities are concerned that long-serving, experienced staff are being replaced by unqualified or newly qualified social workers and that authorities have been forced to recruit staff from as far afield as South Africa and Australia.
So that is one line that they are definitely pursuing with the help of European agencies, but also I think that British authorities are concerned that there may be either second- or third-generation of homegrown support that may have assisted in this as well.
No matter how it is enforced, user verification seems unlikely to deter the spread of rumours and information that has so concerned authorities.
Others believe the government is doing this to please the US authorities who are concerned that their intelligence could be disclosed in British courts.
Her pleas fell on deaf ears as the authorities were more concerned with the security breach that had allowed her to enter the parliament building.
The authorities were seriously concerned about the effect of heavy bombing on the civilian population, but Hull did not crack and the raids produced many examples of heroism.
Welsh Housing Minister Huw Lewis told BBC Wales he was concerned that authorities in Wales would be left to handle any resulting problems.
"He should apply the same approach in relation to my brother's case because the state's own authorities were very much concerned, " he said.
Following the 2008 inspections, however, local authorities said they were concerned some of the cages were insufficiently secure, and Mr Thompson appeared to have addressed those fears.
Local authorities said they were concerned that flooding and storm surges could wreck dunes and beaches that have been rebuilding over what so far has been a mild winter.
Based on qualitative research methodology, the major solution envisaged remains concentrated and targeted advocacy and awareness-raising among media and advocacy groups, concerned government authorities, parliamentarians and others who influence public opinion.
The second aspect of the network that clearly concerned Egyptian authorities was what it showed about the breadth of cooperation between the regime's primary opponent - the Muslim Brotherhood - and the Iranian regime.
But instead of fighting graft, the authorities have been battling environmentalists and concerned residents.
ECONOMIST: A potent mix of heat, haze, alcohol and corruption
To make matters worse, as far as shipowners and international regulators are concerned, the Chinese authorities have been conducting their investigations in secrecy.
Analysts say the Communist authorities in Beijing have become increasingly concerned about the speed with which weibo can spread information not controlled by official media.
The Jordanian authorities also have good reason to be concerned about the Nahr al-Bared situation.
ECONOMIST: Is the Muslim Brotherhood turning its back on politics?