Indonesia's faltering economy and political scandals have also undermined the authority of the central government.
ECONOMIST: War on the separatists
In this grab bag of proscriptions and prescriptions, can we find a provision defining the size and scope of the central government authority in creating and maintaining a social welfare system?
FORBES: Limited Government, Reform, and the Japanese Constitution
Tanaka, formerly vice chairman of the Japan Atomic Energy Commission, appears to get his authority from Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda as opposed to the central government of the Diet, the Japanese parliament.
FORBES: Fukushima Slugfest -- Japan's New Nuclear Regulation Authority
Hashimoto has also found with Noda important areas of agreement, particularly reforming the system of regional administration to create larger, more autonomous regional units that would take over authority from the central government.
FORBES: Tokyo Buzzing with Talk of Political Party Realignment
Unions claim the authority will be forced to cut the largest number of jobs in its history as it faces a drop in central government grants.
BBC: Southampton City Council could face ?32m budget gap
The paper challenges the Scottish government to set out the cost of setting up and running a treasury, tax authority and central bank, a welfare structure, a foreign service, armed forces, an interior ministry to handle citizenship, immigration and border control, and regulators for issues including pensions, energy, telecommunications, health and safety, takeovers and advertising standards.
BBC: The Scottish Parliament
They do so despite knowing that the central government of Hamid Karzai is desperately trying to establish its authority and has been hamstrung by the defiance of the local warlords.
ECONOMIST: Don��t start what you can��t finish | The
Counter to Tory policy nationally, Wiltshire councillors agreed to abolish four district councils and merge into one unitary authority - saving a fortune in bureaucracy but cutting a deal with the then Labour government that none of its central funding would be reduced.
BBC: North/South spending divide in social care
They operate as academies, and like them, do not have to follow the national curriculum, can vary the pay and conditions of teachers, are directly funded by central government and are outside of local authority control.
BBC: Truants' parents could face benefits cut, says PM