In the meantime, the amended law gives provincial governments some authority to supervise cities and regencies on behalf of the centre.
ECONOMIST: How far should regional autonomy go?
Unfortunately, the very institution that had the regulatory authority to supervise the banking system was the one leading the cheerleading - namely, the Fed, in the form of Alan Greenspan.
BBC: Credit crunch: The blame game
To encourage monitoring of the implementation of the Convention, the Conference had decided that only States that responded to the questionnaire could now benefit from the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport, for which it is also authority to supervise.
UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
And the CFPB does not have capacity, does not have authority, to supervise those entities until there's a director.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
" According to AIG, the role of its Sharia authority "is to review our operations, supervise its development of Islamic products, and determine Shariah compliance of these products and our investments.
No wonder, barely five years ago, that the city was on the verge of insolvency, rescued only by bonds issued by the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Co-operation Authority, a state agency set up to supervise the city's finances.
ECONOMIST: City life
As at least the authors of the article know, the Office of National Drug Control Policy is a policy office that has no authority -- no authority to, and does not conduct, direct, manage or supervise any law enforcement operations.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing