• There is the lingering fear that Mr Erdogan is an autocrat in the making.

    BBC: Is Prime Minister Erdogan Turkey's new strongman?

  • But Indonesia's onetime autocrat has been far busier than most of his countrymen realize.


  • SADC's leaders, especially its younger ones, are increasingly loth to see their region dragged down by an ageing autocrat.

    ECONOMIST: Zimbabwe's future

  • In refusing, Mr Kasparov adopted a high-minded tone, complaining that a new chess autocrat was dumping a glorious tradition.

    ECONOMIST: World chess championship

  • That was when, suddenly, the Bush administration discovered that Putin was not a hard-nosed reformer but a rapacious and dastardly autocrat.

    FORBES: Obama is not Appeasing Russia

  • The bad news is that SandRidge founder and CEO Tom Ward (also a CHK co-founder) continues presiding unchecked as an autocrat.

    FORBES: Tom Ward Of SandRidge Energy: Another CEO That's Got To Go

  • Mr Barak has emerged from the negotiations with his reputation confirmed as a somewhat aloof and distant autocrat, disarmingly clever and disquietingly mysterious.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • Mubarak has always been an autocrat and the West had no problem supporting him until his massive unpopularity made the entire arrangement unsustainable.

    FORBES: Alexander Golts' Shocking Ignorance about Hosni Mubarak

  • Morsi blames thugs for the political violence that has swept Egypt for much of the two years since the ouster of autocrat Hosni Mubarak in a popular uprising.

    NPR: Egypt To Try Brotherhood Members On Torture Charge

  • She was an autocrat who very much sounded the part.

    WSJ: Still Under Cleopatra's Spell

  • When Vladimir Putin replaced Boris Yeltsin as Russia's autocrat, amid economic chaos on the last day of 1999, one of his first economic steps was to stabilize the ruble.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Although it seems a bit odd to take lessons in core competences and shareholder value from an autocrat who balances handbags and cognac, Mr Arnault's plan has some logic.

    ECONOMIST: Guinness and GrandMet

  • The behaviors Ms. Quinn exhibits in this article are those of an autocrat who functions well when things are going her way but not so well when they are not.

    FORBES: Christine Quinn for Mayor: Does It Work to Play the Heavy?

  • His father, a violent-tempered autocrat, was appalled to discover that his eldest son, far from being a puritanical boor like himself, showed every sign of developing into a charming, fun-loving youth, with advanced aesthetic tastes.

    ECONOMIST: Historical biography

  • Mr Gates himself is portrayed as an autocrat short-fused and increasingly out of touch who has little interest in the engineering problems caused by his constant tactical manoeuvrings and only a shaky grasp of major technological trends.

    ECONOMIST: Microsoft

  • There are still desperately fragile countries in the region, such as Ukraine and Moldova, but, on the whole, those countries which do not already have an autocrat in charge have become much less likely to elect or accept one.

    ECONOMIST: Alexander Lukashenka, Europe��s odd man out

  • As the physical space is a warehouse not open to the public, there's plenty of room for New Orleans' Zatarain's Creole Mustard and Greenville, South Carolina's Duke's Mayonnaise -- an essential in many Southern recipes -- alongside pickles from Toledo's Tony Packo's and Rhode Island's indigenous coffee syrup Autocrat.

    CNN: Regional flavors may be a click away

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