Everyone around me seemed like automatons, robots, without the affect I was used to from before the accident.
You know, we're not just automatons learning how to work machines and do engineering and math and science.
The original managers who grew with the company have become disenchanted and the service staff now behaves like automatons.
Now, the arrival of increasingly humanoid automatons in workplaces, in an era of high unemployment, is bound to provoke a reaction.
Truly smart technologies will remind us that we are not mere automatons who assist big data in asking and answering questions.
But Mindstorms fans--most of them well past childhood--have blown past that promise to make thousands of automatons: discus throwers, bartenders, maze explorers, Rubik's Cube solvers and more.
But the prospect of a near future in which scaffold-riding professionals are replaced by automatons doesn't appeal to everyone particularly window washers and the New Yorkers who romanticize them.
As American baby boomers reach retirement and Japan's demographics swing toward the elderly, consumers are realizing that simple automatons can take over tasks that have become too inconvenient or dangerous.
Once the lights go off and the PowerPoint goes on, engaging conversationalists turn into automatons, reciting slide after slide of data while the audience snoozes or drinks Starbucks to stay awake.
Once the numbers have been crunched and the decision made, it is just a question of which team of automatons puts the most golf balls in the back of the net.
While the main considerations of the charter are preventing the illegal use of robots and protecting the data that they acquire, the task force set to draft the code have not overlooked programming ethical standards into the automatons of the future.
There will be crowds, there will be bruised toes, and audio guide-wearing visitors acting like automatons might even cause a punch up, but it is a must see. (For some peace and quiet, aim to go first thing on a Monday orTuesday).
One of the world's most conspicuously successful centres of enterprise lies in that bit of California known as Silicon Valley: computing is today's knowledge-based industry par excellence (see survey) The new jobs in tomorrow's industries, in manufacturing and services alike, will call for more than button-pressing automatons.