It highlights that historical experience will no longer be sufficient to approximate the relationship between the quantities of available water and shifting future demands.
High population density, a poor ratio of available water to demand, and regional imbalances in available water supplies are serious challenges for China in managing its usable water supply.
While these accusations are still being sorted in traditional courts and the court of public opinion, it is clear that these types of conflicts will likely continue as available water resources decline.
Developers are building in a more eco-conscious manner, constructing homes in areas where well water is available and incorporating water-saving plants into the landscape.
This conference is another important step initiated by the International Centre on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (ICQHS) - a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO - to collect and document traditional knowledge available on water resources management from around the globe while providing a forum for presenting new views on the topic.
More information on the water shortage is available from the NI Water website, or telephone hot line on 08457 440088, on Ceefax page 169 and BBC News Online.
Carbon dioxide emissions decrease the amount of available oxygen in water in two ways.
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Most Africans use only a fraction of the water available each day to people in industrialised countries.
Limiting the amount of water available for use by whisky distilleries could harm long-term plans, according to industry representatives.
There was a composting toilet in the adjoining bathroom and a showerhead roped to a pole hot water available on request.
Any attempt to lower the water level behind the dams would cut the amount of water available for both manufacturers and farmers.
Going back to the simple Law of Supply and Demand, our only solution is to increase the supply of clean water available in these communities.
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Bristol Water said the consultancy Arup was checking whether there was enough water available from the Cheddar Springs source to fill an extra reservoir in Cheddar.
Beijing has about 100 cubic meters of water available per person, well below the U.N. standard of 1, 000 cubic meters per person, a threshold used to measure chronic water shortage.
However, a spokesman for the Denver-based American Water Works Association said 85% of its 4, 200 members -- which are responsible for 67% of the drinking water available in the U.S. -- had completed their Y2K remediation efforts by July.
All local supermarkets and garages have sold out of bottled water and there doesn't appear to be any supplies available here from NI Water like there is in other towns.
If something is always available, like tap water, you tend to value it less.
Once water is available to the pump, it has to be routed to one or more discharges.
The canals nearby had been drained for maintenance work, so there was no water easily available when the firemen arrived.
But such judgments are speculative, and though pollution is a factor, a bigger one is simply how much fresh water is available.
It is easy to see the result when water becomes available again.
Making sure clean water is available will perhaps the most important factor in preventing the spread of diseases like typhoid, cholera, and other infectious diseases.
Second, unless clean water is available to mix with it, the result is likely to be a diarrhoeal disease that may kill the child anyway.
Civilizations are constrained directly by the quality and quantity of available safe drinking and subsistence water.
Finding ways to conserve and manage the water that is available is vitally important.
Veolia Equipment, which has facilities in Louisiana, has offered to make its water management resources available.
Water is normally available in the canyon, but purification tablets are recommended.
When water is easily available, especially when it arrives through a tap, it is easy to waste by using it carelessly.