Marauders are not always wholly averse to emerging from cover and kneeling in plain sight, providing a tempting target.
Despite his widespread reputation as one of the greatest players in footballing history, Messi has not been averse to criticism from some teammates in years gone by.
Simply put, it is not terribly good preparation for real life to teach students that they will be protected, by timid and risk-averse administrators, from hearing disturbing speech.
FORBES: Liability Reigns Supreme at the Corporate University
To be body-bag averse is far from shameful: no one should relish unnecessary casualties, and technology now enables Americans to do much of their fighting from a height or a distance in comparative safety.
ECONOMIST: Gains in Afghanistan, losses in the battle of ideas
The higher bond prices go because of demand from risk averse fixed income investors, the lower yields go.
Another 22 percent of those surveyed said private companies have become more risk averse because of lingering anxiety from the last recession.
The duo ended up redirecting, or pivoting as would be the correct entrepreneurial-lingo, their initial idea twice, shifting not only customer segment from shopping-averse male college graduates to gay and metrosexual working professionals, but were also forced to realize that their customers did not lack sources of inspiration but needed to be actively sought out.
There have been warnings that students from poorer families are more debt averse and this could have the appeal of a simple system, with no debts attached.
Float silently down rivers, past trees and wildflowers (canoes are also available from Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge for the swimming-averse), and you will feel as though you are somewhere that has been untouched for hundreds of years.
Fueled by fears from the mortgage fallout, investors grew increasingly risk averse and unwilling to take types of corporate debt.
In the triparty repo market, primary dealers and other large banks and broker-dealers obtain very large amounts of secured financing from money funds and other short-term, risk-averse investors.
Part of it is because CIOs have assumed a more political role in organisations, and they look at things much more from a financial perspective, so they adopt a risk-averse approach.
However, a recent study from the Center for Venture Research shows that women are less risk-averse than previously thought.
In his classic book, The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham, proposed that risk averse investors seek a margin of safety, or leave room for error, to protect themselves from both poor decisions and market downturns.
As a result, the strongest and most consistent message from the interviewees was that people in the company, at all levels, were risk-averse.
Yet in a sign that investors remain more risk-averse to Italy, the yield on Italian 10-year bonds on Tuesday increased to 5.8% from 5.6% on Monday.
So if you tend toward being risk averse, I encourage you to rethink the nature of risk, and how not taking risks may be keeping you from more of the success you want, whether you measure it in recognition, remuneration or bottom line results.
FORBES: Sheryl Sandberg is Right. Women Must 'Lean In' to Risk