But for anything much bigger, the energy density of aviation fuel still looks to be unbeatable.
And after the capital cost of the airplanes themselves, aviation fuel is the major cost of any airline.
General aviation fuel taxes are the best way for the industry to contribute necessary revenues to federal coffers.
The idea is to highlight the process of making low-carbon aviation fuel.
Fuel tax is set by most of India's states at 28%, whereas in much of the rest of the world aviation fuel is untaxed.
The refined products and marketing division is responsible for refining and marketing various products such as gasoline, aviation fuel, fuel oil and middle distillates.
Stephen Hale, director of the Green Alliance, said the Conservatives' proposals on aviation fuel "would take them ahead of where the government are at present, if they see it through".
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Brown to target climate change
The drop in value of local currencies against the dollar has caused immense difficulties for Asian carriers: dollars are the currency in which aircraft are traded and aviation fuel is priced.
The losses carry on down the line to the concessionaires who feed spectators, vendors who provide hundreds of portable toilets, rental car companies that supply vehicles, hotels that house pilots and crews, and providers of aviation fuel.
For a man who was staring death in the face a few weeks ago, trapped in the twisted wreckage of a light aircraft with aviation fuel leaking all around him, Nigel Farage is on remarkably good form.
Some of the issues that need to be addressed, he says, are the lack of any tax on aviation fuel, fiscal incentives for alternative-fuel vehicles, and the need for a carbon tax to replace the government's ill-directed climate-change levy.
That means shipowners who wish to ply these waters will have to stop using bunker fuel (the cheap stuff left over once petrol, diesel and aviation fuel have been distilled from crude oil) to power their vessels because burning it produces too much sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and soot.
This includes efforts towards the establishment of common standards and specifications for aviation biofuels, the strengthening of public-private partnerships through engagement with the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuel Initiative (CAAFI) and the Brazilian Alliance for Aviation Biofuels (ABRABA), and engagement in multilateral fora.
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That bill would increase the general aviation jet fuel tax from 21.8 cents per gallon to 30.7 cents per gallon and would raise the general aviation gasoline tax from 19.3 cents per gallon to 24.1 cents per gallon.
It has now built an airplane that will change aviation, reducing fuel costs by 20%.
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To achieve these feats, Nektar's scientists performed hundreds of hours of computer simulations, tested more than a dozen different formulations of dried insulin and traveled around the world drawing inspiration from ancient Chinese seeds, plants in the Mexican desert and production techniques used in making instant coffee, powdered milk, aviation aerodynamics, truck fuel injectors and industrial vacuum pumps.
Kenneth Richter, Friends of the Earth biofuels campaigner, "welcomes" moves by the aviation industry to improve the fuel efficiency of its planes.
The firm said it had also been hit by warm weather, which reduced demand for heating oil, and lower sales of jet fuel as the aviation industry struggled to recover from the aftermath of 11 September.
Anecdotally, consider how much typical General Aviation flying activity has fallen as fuel prices have risen.
For example, ticket taxes paid by airline passengers or fuel taxes paid by aviation operators are included in the Trust Fund.
In civil aviation it is mainly to achieve fuel benefits, but in other fields it can help increase manoeuvrability or an aircraft's load-bearing capacity.
The fact is that business aircraft operators already pay taxes to support the aviation system, every time they buy fuel.
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By 2016 the air force seeks to use a 50:50 blend of synthetic and ordinary jet fuel for half of its aviation requirements within America.
New Delhi has implemented some long-awaited measures such as relaxing foreign investment regulations in the retail, civil aviation and television broadcasting sectors, raising fuel prices to improve its finances and setting up a ministerial panel to fast-track industrial projects.
It has eased foreign-investment rules in the retail, civil-aviation and broadcasting sectors, and has reduced fuel subsidies to improve its fiscal health.
AirAsia and Tata are aiming to crack India's difficult aviation market where excessive government regulation and jet fuel prices that are among the highest in the world have stifled the industry.
After that crash, the Federal Aviation Administration administered several directives ordering changes in the fuel systems of 747s.
The Malaysian airline and Tata are aiming to crack India's difficult aviation market, where excessive government regulation and jet fuel prices that are among the highest in the world have stifled the industry.