The U.S. military said the targeted Awakening Council leader was Samir Ibrahim, not Sheik Hamad.
Yet the Arab awakening is prompting the kingdom's own malcontents to raise their voices.
But Chavez's most significant achievement has been to trigger the awakening and empowerment of the majority.
Some two dozen sheikhs banded together late last year, in what they called the awakening.
Like many leaders of interracial churches, he is driven in part by a personal awakening.
This will lead us into a renaissance period of exciting change, spiritual awakening, rebirth and reinvention.
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Meanwhile, the big regional problems that confronted America before the Arab awakening have not gone away.
My discovery of Indian pudding was certainly my awakening to the wonders of cornmeal.
Once Slaughter transitioned into her role at the State Department, she had an unexpected awakening.
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The kids that want to work real jobs are in for a rude awakening as well.
Set in 1921, The Awakening is a portrait of England in the grip of post-war trauma.
The literary world is chock-full of angst-ridden memoirs about unhappy marriages and the inevitable spiritual awakening.
At a Ma-Yi performance, one gets the same drenched awakening to the Asian inside the American.
After Wednesday's rude awakening in Ohio, the Clintonites may have a better understanding of this rationale.
Eight people, including three Awakening Council members, were killed in that attack, said the Interior official.
Eifan al-Issawi was one of the main key founders of a so-called Awakening Council in Fallujah.
Thank you Mr. Bradberry for awakening us to more knowledge of growth and personal prosperity!
For voters who were not already worried, this week's stockmarket panic was a rude awakening.
That will be a rude awakening for the American people if it were to come to pass.
She also was in the original Broadway casts of "In the Heights, " ''Spring Awakening" and "Good Vibrations.
Chinese wealth is flowing to the swift responders in a land of a millions of awakening consumers.
Awakening Councils, or Sons of Iraq, are Sunni groups that have turned against al Qaeda in Iraq.
Awakening Council banners hung on neighborhood walls Tuesday, bearing words of condolence, according to The Associated Press.
By the time Petraeus arrived, the Anbar Awakening, as it would become known, had started to spread.
He is in charge of overseeing the transition of the U.S.-sponsored Awakening Councils to the Iraqi government.
They may get a rude awakening when a major storm, flood, earthquake or fire hits their communities.
She vividly remembers her political awakening beginning when she saw Margaret Thatcher on the news as a child.
We began to recognize that Sheikh Sattar was very critical to the awakening movement in its early stages.
Awakening can be tuned to casual or classic play with various difficulty levels.
The first report of a zolpidem awakening came from South Africa, in 1999.