The very act of awarding prizes seems to throw Tinseltown into a state of cognitive dissonance.
Which Test umpire, modern or past, has the dubious distinction of awarding the most lbws?
It will also examine the process for awarding the contract to the recruitment agency.
The modern American voter has been notoriously miserly in awarding trust to either party.
We are certain that Edexcel exams meet the same standards as those of other awarding bodies.
BBC: Government calls for 'fundamental reform' of exam system
Bloomberg News reported Tuesday that the courts have discouraged awarding punitive damages in recent years.
He said there had been a number of inaccuracies in papers across the five awarding bodies.
Suzanne Butters, from Wilton Eco Park Project, said the awarding of the grant was "very exciting".
The result of that trial was the awarding of damages to the major US record labels.
Poland's Regional Development Minister Elzbieta Bienkowska said the Polish system for awarding contracts "is running efficiently".
Terfel copied the idea of awarding five luminaries from a similar concept in America.
Another suspect on the contract-awarding front is Peter Ellef, Mr Rowland's former chief of staff.
ECONOMIST: But corruption in this state can be a bipartisan business
There have been a string of corruption cases linked to the awarding of contracts.
But AQA said this would mean awarding C grades for work below the standard.
What does the Nobel Committee really wish to achieve, awarding the EU the prize?
The awarding of her visa comes after her initial application was rejected by American officials.
He also wants schools to be more selective when awarding pay rises to teachers.
The National Audubon Society will be awarding him its prestigious Audubon Medal early next year.
FORBES: Hedge Fund Giant Louis Bacon's Bold Mission To Save The American West
Awarding literacy certificates to states and municipalities to recognise their achievements in the field of literacy provisions.
Any changes will take effect in time for the awarding of the third lottery licence in 2009.
What about awarding electoral votes based on who wins each congressional district, as Nebraska and Maine do?
From now on, Mr Andrews wants exam boards to use a separate Wales-only system for awarding grades.
However the Department seems to have understated the long-term risks when awarding the contract to First Group.
In return for awarding a licence, the mandarins have felt obliged to keep the beneficiary in business.
The Dutch official appeared to give the penalty, before reversing his decision and awarding a drop ball.
They were accused of involvement in awarding lucrative contracts to foreign companies without proper consultation or formal contracts being signed.
StorageMart also builds brand awareness by awarding scholarships and making donations to charities on a regular basis.
Balsillie is also appealing a judgment awarding Virginia patent house NTP an 8.5% royalty on U.S. Blackberry sales.
The fighting concerns not only the awarding of lead counsel status but also the amount of the fees.
"The awarding of earmarks to private companies is the single most corrupting element of this practice, " he said.