The estimate comes as part of a UK-wide campaign, Children of Alcoholics week, which aims to raise awareness of the affects of dependency on family life.
Your comments may be explained by your use of a misleading graph of Russian life expectancy and your lack of awareness of the extensive existing literature on the other factors you cited, especially alcohol.
Seaweb is a multimedia public education project designed to raise awareness of the world ocean and the life within it.
This week a third wave of the moment starts: a first-of-its-kind social game that introduces direct virtual-to-real-life translation of giving and awareness surrounding the most pressing issues for women worldwide.
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Ms MacDonald hopes that high profile cases like that of Tony Nicklinson in England, who had locked-in syndrome and battled for years for a legal right to end his life, will have raised awareness of the issue.
He named his crusade the Marathon of Hope, and he ran more than 3, 300 miles, raising millions of dollars and international awareness before cancer finally took his life in 1981.
When I asked him to be more specific, he gave the example of his support to increase awareness about how prayer and spiritual life can affect healing and health.
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To address issues related to environment, climate change and disaster risk management, the UN will support central and local authorities in the sustainable management of the environment and natural resources across all sectors, and better environmental education and awareness - ultimately contributing to sustainable economic growth and increased quality of life.
At one stand Zelda Nhlabatsi, who runs the Family Life Association of Swaziland, is trying to raise awareness about the disease.
He had little notion of his fatherland at the time because he had gone to Japanese schools all along, but I think that his awareness of being Korean, sprouted in his heart during his not-too-long life overseas, pushed away the music teacher's tenacious temptation.
These conferences also emphasize the importance of education at different levels for enhanced awareness on the key role that water has in human life.
UNESCO: Programa Hidrol��gico Internacional: Water and Education