"I found out how much I loved it when the storm ran me away from here, " Avie says.
And it would be sad for them to have to move away from here to have a job.
And somewhere far away from here, intermingled with this racket, is the whistle of the Lunatic Express, rattling on regardless into the night.
Shimon was born a world away from here, in a shtetl in what was then Poland, a few years after the end of the first world war.
And then, before you start using my perceived tone as a contrary indicator, let me say that I am not suggesting that things will be up-up-and-away from here.
But I've learned what you know: That your shared hardships and challenges... being put to the test... expecting a lot from yourselves and your fellow cadets.... will result in your taking away from here strength in character and a sense of purpose.
This year, as has been true for many years now, all across this nation, in cities and towns thousands of miles away from here, families are saying a word of thanks to a Senator they never knew or met because a Pell Grant helped open the door to college.
Mr Bamford declines to tell us where we are in relation to the outside world, in case a future buyer wants to keep things down here away from prying eyes (and shovels).
Back at the Los Angeles lot, Fernandez says he thinks the trend away from SUVs and pickups is here to stay.
Here they were, away from the damp, Sceptered Isle, tootling and honking through paradise in their gleaming, buffed chrome toys.
"We say that there are fairies living in the caverns, and they put the lightning moss here to lure thieves away from their treasure, " says Marie.
From here, the green hills slope away, down to the small suburb of Kahlenbergerdorf beside the Danube.
Here we are, a year away from London and, hopefully, I'll be in good shape to do something similar.
Here you're gently whisked away from a stop with no hesitation or lurching, and keeping up with traffic is no problem at all.
ENGADGET: cruises with the Brammo Enertia electric motorcycle (with videos!)
In the seventh century BC, when the slave revolt led by Spartacus was defeated, 6, 000 slaves were crucified and left dangling on crosses that lined the road from here to Capua, 132 miles away.
Nothing belongs to anyone here, because they can take it away from you like that.
Everybody started screaming, 'Move away from the windows, let's get out of here.
But here, they don't shy away from showing his suffering side.
For visitors and locals who want to enjoy a different pace of life, here are a few ways to get away from the Big Apple in three hours or less.
President Karzai told me as we were flying away from Gander that he has high hopes for his visit here and that he looks forward to discussing Afghan-American relations from the perspectives of security, governance, development, and long-term strategic partnership.
At this, all the others stood up and came away from the trees: what they saw in the distance was smoke spouting from different points in the landscape, first here, then there.
The problem here is that the more the plan moves away from Germany's original concept, the less likely Germany may be willing to sign off a deal.
But the fact that you all have taken time out of your busy lives and away from your jobs and your classes and your families to be here, it means a great deal, so much.
It seems nothing has changed here for decades, just a few dozen kilometres away from the fastest-changing region in the world.
"Couples are coming from as far away as New York and Minnesota to be married here, " San Francisco's City Hall official told the AFP news agency.
For more on what fans can take away from the leaked financials, see my piece on The Hardball times here.
FORBES: What Did The MLBPA Learn From The Leaked Financials?