"It will be a honeymoon 50 years late because we had no money to go away when we got married, " said Mr Lisk.
"If we're going to make these vehicles successful, especially after government incentives go away, we're going to have make them affordable, " said company spokesman John Hanson.
We're pleased we think we can win when we go away from home.
"We could always go away from Cwmbran, but then the atmosphere goes, and the club could disband, and we need to keep working as a team to bring the new generation forward, " he said.
BBC: Cwmbran Stadium: Not-for-profit trust may benefit venue
They're all going to go away and we're going to discuss the issues in this campaign.
Speculation linking him with the job is never going to go away and we're both aware of that.
But I can tell you that the wrong answer is to pretend like this problem will go away if we maintain an unsustainable status quo.
All the while, Milton Friedman kept pointing out that these crises would all go away if we went to a system of flexible or floating exchange rates.
They will go away because we, as Americans, have the capacity now, as we have had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.
I'm not talking about blind optimism here-the almost willful ignorance that thinks unemployment will go away if we just don't talk about it, or the health care crisis will solve itself if we just ignore it.
Even if Merck wins the next case to go to trial, a death case in U.S. federal court scheduled for Nov. 28, Cooper added, "there is no way we will go away, the documents are too strong" against Merck.
During the 10 days that we're on we never know when we're going to work it can be anytime night or day so during that period of time our social life can be non-existent but it does have the advantage of giving us a week off every 3 weeks which means we can go away.
It's not going to go away, but we just have to, in our minds, know that we're doing everything possible.
"You saw last week against Burnley, we never go to away grounds and sit-in, too many draws are no good, you need to win games, " he added.
We have got to go away and improve those things before next week.
We could make this go away by simply devaluing our currency.
We hope they will go away from Istanbul with the message that doing business in the LDCs is not charity but a wise and profitable endeavour.
"We still have a bit to go to get Sam but we are not far away and confident, " Richardson said.
"If the blankets were to go away in five years, we will always have another product that fits their needs, " she says.
"Maybe the players haven't believed they could go out and win a game away from home but they now have, you never know, we might just go on a mini-run, " the Burnley boss reflected.
In the end though if only 20 tents are actually being used, or even only 20 people are sleeping onsite, then we can make the various problems go away.
The pool doesn't go away until the last fixture and we've got to keep winning to ensure when we get to the last fixture we've got something to play for.
"If the problem of al-Shabab goes away, and we have some assistance, then we can go back, " he said.
The first hostile takeover announcement was just a surprise for everybody, and we thought it was just going to go away.
Instead of implementing effective, but more general, security measures to reduce the overall risk, we concentrate on making the fearful story go away.
But the point is not that there is some alternative to -- that we can make the problem of default go away through a plan.
"It's about half a mile away from our house and we didn't think he would go that far, " she said.
BBC: Cat found six days after fall from Gloucestershire viaduct