In other words, it's easy enough to keep hold of, but it's still a tad awkward in a way that the One X and Galaxy S III aren't.
Aberdeen responded to a awkward onslaught by making a double substitution after 70 minutes, with Derek Young and Richard Foster coming on for Maguire and Jeffrey De Visscher.
Work ran over by 90 minutes due to a tool running low on battery power and a particularly awkward bolt securing a handrail that needed to be removed.
Max Heller used a German-English dictionary and phrase book (on display) to write a letter in awkward English to a non-Jewish woman, Mary Mills, whom he had met years before at a Vienna dance.
WSJ: A Tortuous Road to Refuge | Against the Odds | Museum of Jewish Heritage | By Julia M. Klein
Being at an art show wasn't awkward with a 132-pound dog, said Ms. Dewey.
But it is awkward that a critic had so little trouble catching a dealer quoting for a car it did not have.
Between garden chores at Sissinghurst, Harold had dinned into him the importance of truthfulness, no matter how awkward: a Bloomsbury virtue in relationships, at least.
The big but somewhat awkward truth--awkward in a democratic society that believes so fervently in equality--is that the schools make far less difference than your own ability.
It turned out to be a very awkward relationship and after a few days she became completely self sufficient and never asked me to do any work.
It might be quite awkward for a President-elect Mitt Romney to turn around after November's US presidential election and tell his Nato allies that they are staying in Afghanistan a bit longer after all.
But his verbal dexterity and years as a Baptist preacher allow him to dodge almost any awkward question with a Biblical allusion.
This was a tentative, awkward piece of work, a cultural tragedy staged as comic opera.
Given that the Creative Cloud was itself hugely overpriced in Australia until a sudden and awkward u-turn just a couple of days ago, that sort of argument is hardly likely to win back much affection.
But on Sunday, things were just a little awkward for the rapper, and for a couple reasons.
"Unlike at a bar, it's not awkward to strike up a conversation because you have something in common, " Solo told ESPN.
Michael Kitces, an adviser and publisher of a financial-planning industry blog called Nerd's Eye View, says not having a clearly stated account minimum creates an awkward situation for both a current client making a referral and a prospect.
In person, networking can be a stiff affair, peppered by the first awkward ten minutes in a full room of people where the coat has been checked in, the name tag is on, and making the first move to introduce yourself to virtually anyone new can be extremely nerve-wracking, even with a complimentary glass of wine to help curb the butterflies.
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Ireland, with a history of awkward votes on EU treaties, holds a referendum on May 31st.
From a new name to this new home to the awkward reality of having a reigning pope and a retired one, the 85-year-old Benedict has plenty of decisions to make.
One of many problems: The awkward design requires a motor that is unnecessarily strong.
One of the evening's more awkward moments involved a tribute to British fashion icons.
He walks bent slightly forward at the waist, as if he found it awkward to have a body.
Well, have you ever sprung an awkward encounter on a client or coworker?
Fast and Furious makes an awkward flourish in a conversation about the harm visited on us by people with guns.
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K.K. sat impassively on the chair, raised above the crowd, then lowered at the doors, like an awkward king, a king onstage.
While I certainly wanted to make her feel better, professionally, it felt awkward to have a good old-fashioned chat to find out what was wrong.
Then there's his awkward romance with a lonely woman (Miranda Richardson, very good as usual) who works at the radio station where he preaches on Sunday mornings.
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Demand for palmtop computers, organisers and smart telephones is currently held back by the need to enter data using awkward symbols and a clumsy stylus or cramped keyboard.
' You merely have to say that sentence out loud to see that it is not English, but sounds like the awkward sentence of a recently arrived foreigner.
Senior-level women in all industries often find themselves flying solo at company dinners, cocktail hours, and award presentations because their husbands plead their own work commitments or find it awkward to play a secondary role.