• As the baby-boom generation retires in ever-increasing numbers, more people will have leisure-time on their hands.

    CNN: Looking to the classroom to open doors, enrich the soul

  • The truth is that the baby-boom generation is aging, and that older people have more disabilities.

    FORBES: Is Disability the New Unemployment Insurance?

  • As American and European professors of the baby-boom generation retire, colleges in rich countries will soon be recruiting hard.

    ECONOMIST: Central European universities

  • The impact will become even clearer in 2012 when the first members of the 1947-49 baby-boom generation hit 65.

    ECONOMIST: Into the unknown

  • Saving started declining in the mid-1980s as the baby-boom generation began the high-spending part of life, having children and buying homes.

    ECONOMIST: The sorry state of saving

  • As Europe's baby-boom generation retires, the population of working age will fall faster than in America, where it is still being replenished by immigration.

    ECONOMIST: Productivity growth

  • Just wait till the baby-boom generation gets a little older and the typeface on the e-book gets more readable--it might even climb to No. 1.

    FORBES: Readers Say

  • Unlike many members of the baby-boom generation, he doesn't like oldies.

    WSJ: Brian Kane, Furniture Designer | Creating

  • This explains tea's particular appeal to the ageing baby-boom generation, suggests Brian Keating of Sage Group, a market-research firm, in a recent report on the industry.

    ECONOMIST: America's tea boom

  • The baby-boom generation, which started to turn 60 this year, contains the largest number of people ever voluntarily to give up work in such a short time.

    ECONOMIST: Older workers

  • But such things mark her out, mainly, as an idealist of the baby-boom generation a species commonplace everywhere in Europe save in the institutions of the European Union.

    ECONOMIST: Emma Bonino, Europe��s commissioner for the future

  • Meanwhile, members of the 1946-64 baby-boom generation will be hard at work, presumably earning rising incomes and paying swelling Social Security taxes, even without a further increase.

    CNN: A Debt-Threatened Dream

  • In America, by contrast, the baby-boom generation meant that the Social Security system had five contributors per beneficiary in 1960, a quarter of a century after its introduction.

    ECONOMIST: Rethinking the welfare state

  • Hepatitis C is the stealth plague of the baby-boom generation.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The budget overview acknowledges that, even under the best-case scenario, the retirement of the baby-boom generation in a decade or so will put new, intense pressure on America's finances.

    ECONOMIST: Holding the line? | The

  • Mr Kerry, for his part, offered no meaningful reform of Social Security at all, despite the fact that the retirement of the baby-boom generation will soon swing the system into huge deficits.

    ECONOMIST: Another small step for Kerry? | The

  • The baby-boom generation (generally, those born from 1946 to 1964) may be aging but they still outnumber all other age groups in the US, and they represent a lucrative new source of demand for the housing market.

    BBC: Why the US housing market is still booming

  • People now live about 15 years longer than when the first Sun City was built, but most of the surge in numbers by 2010 will come from the 76m members of the baby-boom generation, now moving towards retirement.

    ECONOMIST: The growth of private communities

  • The generation in question is the one before the fertility fall really begins to bite, which in Europe and America was the baby-boom generation that is just retiring, and in China and East Asia the generation now reaching adulthood.

    ECONOMIST: Demography

  • The nearly half-century old programme, one of the Democrats' signature achievements, is suffering under two pressing burdens - the ever-growing cost of an inefficient healthcare system and the imminent retirement of the baby-boom generation, more and more of whom are becoming eligible for benefits.

    BBC: US election: Five challenges facing the president

  • The post-war "baby-boom" generation is now reaching reproductive age.

    CNN: The Abortion Dilemma

  • One often-overlooked but growing trend in senior and taxes is the role-reversal that is taking place as the baby boom generation increasingly becomes responsible for the financial support of their elderly parents.

    FORBES: Your Aging Parents And Tax Season: A Getting-Started Guide

  • Social Security is endangered because it is expected to start paying out more in benefits than it collects in payroll taxes as the large baby boom generation enters retirement age, raising questions about its long-term viability.

    CNN: Panel proposes personal accounts for Social Security

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