The baby boomlet or baby boom echo group born between 1988 and 1995 have flooded colleges with demand for a limited number of spots.
With the number of elderly Americans set to double by 2030, the baby boom will become a senior boom.
Figures from consulting firm Nielsen show how the baby boom echo is playing out.
You know, these kids are in the middle of the boom of the baby boom.
As the baby-boom generation retires in ever-increasing numbers, more people will have leisure-time on their hands.
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With the baby boom generation getting older, the market for such technology is expected to increase.
Finally, the retirement of the Baby Boom generation makes references to past budgetary levels largely irrelevant.
The truth is that the baby-boom generation is aging, and that older people have more disabilities.
In 2012 close to 7 million members of the Baby Boom generation will reach 65 and retire.
Stroll a few blocks east to Lincoln Park for a glimpse into DC's recent baby boom.
She said she thinks that will change as her baby boom generation gets older and needs them more.
The baby boom ended by 1989, and when that generation moves on, the next one will be tiny.
Steve Jobs was born in 1955 to a Syrian immigrant father at the height of the post-War Baby Boom.
It also means that fewer workers will have to finance the rapidly arriving retirements of the baby boom generation.
Peacetime spurred it even higher, helped by a baby boom and a desire to spend after years of rationing.
The hospital on the Army base says it's preparing for a baby boom.
The city is now experiencing a baby boom, which began in 2006, and is expected to continue until 2017.
As American and European professors of the baby-boom generation retire, colleges in rich countries will soon be recruiting hard.
This happened to Europe after the baby boom of 1945-65 and produced les trente glorieuses (30 years of growth).
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The impact will become even clearer in 2012 when the first members of the 1947-49 baby-boom generation hit 65.
With 2007 as the largest birth year in U.S. history, even larger than the years of the post-World-War-II baby boom.
Many in the field expect the popularity of DAFs to continue to grow as the Baby Boom generation reaches retirement.
As a very substantial part of the baby boom generation moves into retirement, benefit requirements will experience an "extraordinary, unprecedented" rise.
Saving started declining in the mid-1980s as the baby-boom generation began the high-spending part of life, having children and buying homes.
But unlike the liberal ideological baby boom generation, millennials are more pragmatic.
In the long run, a baby boom would be even more popular.
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So is the aging of the population, creating more single widows and widowers, an effect that will grow as the baby boom retires.
Even with the demographic bulge caused by the post-war baby boom, America can afford its senior citizens, the people too old to work.
There are so many of them that, if only a second baby boom could be encouraged, they could begin to repopulate the country.
And as the baby boom generation heads into retirement, more and more Americans are going to need the services of these outstanding workers.
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