The limit for milk, baby food and infant formula is 50 becquerels per kilogram.
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These items consisted of seven Jenny Craig products and two Gerber baby food products.
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BSE-contaminated bits of meat that made their way into baby food and school dinners during the 1980s.
If you would not eat a jar of baby food, then why give it to your child?
The new rules also mean essential medicines and baby food are allowed in amounts larger than 100ml.
But in many categories, like beer and baby food, private labels are irrelevant, with less than 2%market share.
Some of the early breakout hits include Nest Collective, which specializes in baby food and snacks for kids.
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She has received supplies including baby food and baby wipes via police helicopter.
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Chinese mothers dote on their solitary moppets: those who buy packaged baby food typically choose the most expensive type.
The company is perhaps best known for Terra Chips and Earth Best organic baby food among its three dozen brands.
Some of the country's biggest baby food makers are defendants in the case, including Beech-Nut Nutrition, Del Monte Foods, Dole and Gerber.
CNN: Baby food makers in California court over lead warnings
In January, the parenting magazine Cookie named Yummy Spoonfuls its "clear favorite" baby food after a taste test by a dozen moms.
CNN: African immigrant, mom sees fruits of healthy baby food
PLO-affiliated conglomerates, including one controlled by Ahmed Qurei, who would later negotiate the Oslo Accords, monopolized everything from shoes to baby food.
Sandwich Barge is an organic cafe selling -- you guessed it -- freshly made sandwiches along with soup, cakes and even baby food.
I'm told that the community centre there is down to their last few nappies for babies... their last few jars of baby food.
As China is growing a middle class, the middle class has expectations of cleaner air, safe drinking water, and baby food that is good.
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From water purification systems and biohazard sensors to efficient energy systems and nutritional supplements in baby food, the spinoffs from space technology are myriad.
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In another incident, a mother said that cafes and restaurants had refused to warm up baby food for her daughter because the hot food might burn the 14-month-old girl's mouth.
As the main problem seems to be that parents lack the confidence to make fresh homemade foods, then I propose that free baby food cookery courses should be offered to the parents of babies.
On tables inside a big tent, the staples of earthly salvation: baby food, carrots, peanut butter, orange juice, shoes and diapers, all of it free, all of it donated from religious organizations around the country.
He has created a new Nutrition division that brings together clinical nutrition (food for people with diabetes or a heart condition), performance nutrition (food that prevents athletes in endurance sports from keeling over) and baby food.
What is it doing in baby food?
CNN: Baby food makers in California court over lead warnings
There is no good reason this country should continue to expose our children to a chemical that is known to disrupt the way our hormones work when there are safe, BPA-free alternatives available for baby bottles, sippy cups, and baby food and infant formula packaging.
Other firms that must be surprised to find themselves caught up in lawsuits include Campbell's Soup and Gerber, a baby-food maker.
The artichoke appetizer had gone awry and came second, but it was worth the wait--boiled to semi-baby-food consistency and with the season's first fava beans. (They stole the show.) I ended with a whole grilled fish and, at the urging of two guys at the next table, Paradiso's prize dessert, sponge cake with dried fruit and sweetened ricotta cheese.
Since acid-producting bacteria, called streptococcus mutans, is contagious, pediatric dentists caution parents against blowing on a baby's food or cleaning a pacifier with saliva.
Let your partner handle things for a while, and remember, it's not the end of the world if he or she puts the diaper on wrong or feeds the baby Stage 2 food instead of Stage 3, she said.
Families schools businesses and communities need to plan and prepare re food, baby milk powder, elder care, midwifery, dialysis, heart meds and policy on prisoners etc, etc.
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