The move is seen by some as an attempt to claw back ground lost to competitors such as Google.
Much of this recovery, of course, is merely clawing back ground previously lost.
But once the crisis passes, there's not much scope for the U.K. economy to claw back ground lost during the recession and since.
"We hope the clearing of a lot of bracken and re-seeding of heather will bring back ground-nesting birds as well as more cuckoos, " she added.
And yesterday, in an attempt to claw back ground from Verizon Communication's joint wireless venture with Vodafone and Sprint Nextel, Cingular yesterday launched BroadbandConnect--its own high-speed wireless Internet service--in 16 markets.
The back ground is as follows.
FORBES: Big Corn's HFCS v. Big Sugar's Sucrose: Maybe Both Could Lose?
Instead, we are back at ground zero still trying to climb out of the hole.
So, here we are back at ground zero again and everybody wants to find a good solution.
"We are back to ground zero when it comes to the uncertainty, " said Al Ississ of American University in Cairo.
The council deal means Argyle would have an option to buy back the ground every five years for a sum equal to 12 times the then annual rent.
Back above ground, students from around the world are shown the Atlas control room, one of the places where data from the LHC will be gathered when it is switched back on.
But, and here we go back to ground we have trodden many times before, the IMF does not want Mr Osborne to ease up this year any more than he already has.
Orbiting 440 miles above Earth, the satellite will zip around the planet 14 times a day, snapping hundreds of pictures that will be beamed back to ground stations in South Dakota, Alaska and Norway.
Lobbyists say they are doubtful the amendment will survive and even consumer advocates who went vocal in their opposition to it Thursday concede it is likely just an opening salvo as Republicans try to stick amendments in the overall bill to take back some ground from the Democrats.
Boeing figures it delivers 20 megabits a second from the ground to the aircraft, and one megabit a second back to the ground.
That day comes at the end of autumn when the sap has sunk back into the ground.
Do you want to help working families get back on solid ground and grow this economy for all of us?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Tax Cuts for the Middle Class
Now we can finally get out feet back on the ground, as we look at something much closer to home.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 7.21.12: Outer space, flying hotels and federal trolls
The gas comes up with the oil pump from Prudhoe Bay, but it's been re-injected back into the ground for decades.
Unlike Wile E Coyote, a divided Congress could step over the cliff, look down, and step back onto solid ground again.
The Salah gasfield project in Algeria, run by BP, strips CO2 from local natural gas and injects it back into the ground.
Best of luck getting your feet back on the ground upon departure.
And we moved this party back to the ground on which our success has always been built, the centre ground of British politics.
The whole process is slow and cumbersome, and I usually need a beer after shopping just to get my feet back on the ground.
As ever, former Surrey man Brown was keen to get on with things, showing his intent by twice lifting Zander de Bruyn straight back down the ground.
What was once a series I could only heap praise on has become lost in the wilds, with apparently no editor to guide it back to solid ground.
FORBES: Why I Won't Be Reading George R. R. Martin's New 'Winds Of Winter' Chapter
He is also developing a remote-controlled Parajet, which will allow skydivers to dive out of a para-motor, leave it flying by itself and then remote control it back to the ground.
"When you get to the top of the wall there is a straight drop, a small flat bit and a slope bringing the ground back to the same level, " he said.
Garcia used a cart to jump into the tree, and after a few minutes, hit a one-handed, back-handed shot back to the fairway, before jumping some 8 feet back to the ground.