• It all depends on whether they manage to ramp back up supply.

    BBC: UK gas prices surge on supply fears

  • Eventually demand catches back up with supply and profits are reestablished, only to lead to another bout of over expansion.

    FORBES: SIA: Semiconductor Sales Flat in August

  • The back-up power supply includes six diesel engine generators with ten days of fuel.

    FORBES: Double Dutch No Longer

  • The back-up power supply includes six diesel generators with ten days of fuel.

    FORBES: International

  • The reserves, stored in Texas and Louisiana, were started during the U.S. oil embargo in the early 1970s, and have been used as a back-up measure to supply oil only a few times since that decade.

    FORBES: Oil Heads Higher, Markets Open Up

  • The trend will affect next season, too: Many of the one-and-done free agents will wind up right back on the market next winter, pumping up supply and depressing salaries.

    FORBES: Deals

  • Over the past several months, Iran has been begging OPEC to cut back supply quotas to jack up the price of oil.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Iran's Gaza diversion

  • Economists don't expect many of the cotton farmers who had abandoned their traditional crop for others like corn to rush back into cotton and drive up the supply.

    WSJ: Farm Economy Bounces Back

  • British troops are still engaged in some risky activities - including running road convoys to evacuate equipment from their remaining bases, providing some bomb disposal back up, and sending helicopters on supply runs.

    BBC: UK combat operations in Afghanistan effectively cease

  • The bank, the world's biggest lender to shipping, reckons that, failing a surge in world economic growth, many ships will have to be broken up to bring supply back into line with demand.

    ECONOMIST: Shipping

  • Not that the executive is about to accept Intel's position that ARM isn't meant for performance, as he saw the architecture scaling to high speeds whenever there was a large enough power supply to back it up.

    ENGADGET: ARM chief tosses Moore's Law out with the trash, says efficiency rules all

  • The capital's main surgical hospitals and water treatment plants now rely solely on back-up generators because the normal power supply has been cut, an untenable situation, Doumani said.

    CNN: Baghdad running low on medicine

  • That they are not including the cost of connecting wind power to the grid, the necessary costs of dealing with variable supply, of needed back up and so on.

    FORBES: Grantham Inst. Report Shows That We Should Abandon Wind Power Subsidies

  • The Dow was up 80 points before pulling back after the Institute for Supply Management's purchasing manager index fell last month.

    WSJ: Blue Chips Hold, End Higher

  • In some instances, company perks (think Google's laid-back culture and famously endless supply of cafeteria food) can make up for a two- or three-grand salary difference.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Activist shareholders want Home Depot to leverage up the balance sheet far more and buy back shares, or sell the real estate or spin off the HD Supply wholesale business.

    FORBES: Home Depot's New Crew Chief

  • Activist shareholders want Home Depot to leverage up the balance sheet far more and buy back shares, or sell the real estate or spin off the hd Supply wholesale business (see table).


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