Oasis split up three years ago after an argument backstage at a concert in Paris.
In 2004, I sat backstage with Ben Roethlisberger and his family as draft countdown began.
"Even backstage, he's able to weave my attention in any direction that he wants, " Silva said.
One night, the group sneaks backstage at a local radio show and run into a producer.
He contentedly played bandleader instead of superstar, often disappearing backstage for stretches as the band jammed.
Later, he asked for some tonic water backstage, according to a photographer at the event.
The characters have emotional-seepage problems: their competitive drives and backstage frustrations keep leaking into their jobs.
After his set Bullock visited him backstage and began plotting his ascension to TV stardom.
"I've never actually won a call-your-name award before, " Terrio said backstage after winning his award.
But while waiting backstage he suddenly said he needed one of his well-known catnaps.
"We approach 'Boardwalk Empire' as a film, a very long film, " Scorsese said backstage.
Then I wrote Ellsworth Kelly when a blue and green color blocked shift dress emerged from backstage.
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"He's legitimately great on guitar, " Black Keys' lead singer-guitarist Dan Auerbach told CNN backstage after the performance.
Obama and Dr. Biden were kind enough to step backstage and shake our hands and take pictures.
"Look, I took an Ambien backstage, so we've got about seven minutes, " he said at the outset.
And despite the backstage whispers, as another conference season arrives, Mr Duncan Smith is still in place.
And Jack, who is hardly innocent of the spotlight, confessed to pregame jitters to me while backstage.
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She says she came up with the idea while talking with cellist Yo-Yo Ma backstage at a graduation ceremony.
Backstage, she gasped with relief and smiled when she saw a still shot of her acceptance speech.
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This reminded me of James Franco bringing Oscars viewers backstage by tweeting whenever his hosting duties allowed.
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As one of the very first acts we sauntered backstage at the village arena to discover organised chaos.
This was thanks to the firm hand of Mr Mbeki, who manoeuvred backstage to thwart other potential candidates.
Then we were led backstage to a private room for a demo of what Intel calls "perceptual computing".
For Mr. Chesney, a sports nut who hosts many top athletes backstage, stadium concerts help sustain a big-league aura.
Inadvertently funny things said backstage get written on a quote board tacked to a wall in their dressing room.
How about fun online games and the chance to win fabulous prizes, like backstage passes to meet Lady Gaga?
He then told us that he had a box of jigsaw puzzles backstage, for anyone who became dangerously bored.
Wilson, 70, appeared frail, requiring two men to walk on each side backstage.
"It's a big step, " acknowledges a soft-spoken Jibreel backstage at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre.
At 7:00am, the Sydney Opera House hosts tours for just eight people to backstage areas normally off-limits to theatre-goers.
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