Today, more clarity has surfaced on how they will achieve the goal of greater financial backstopping.
Again, it's very important to see risk-sharing, backstopping of the banking system to greater fiscal union.
It approved the financing, and in fact the Fed is backstopping JP Morgan's purchase and guaranteeing some of Bear Stearns' business.
Plan, organize and provide technical backstopping to projects, workshops, publications and other activities and events of relevance to science and sustainable development in the sub-region.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Natural Sciences) (30/5/2011) (AS/RP/SAM/SC/0005 - (P3))
Fund managers and strategists said the low Vix reflects the fact that central banks are seen as backstopping financial markets, lessening demand for downside protection.
This includes ensuring substantive backstopping of technical assistance projects in SCC statistics and agreeing programme of co-operation with them through Memorandum of Understanding and other instruments.
Moreover, backstopping the liquidity needs of financial institutions reduces funding stresses and, all else equal, should increase the willingness of those institutions to lend and make markets.
After the 2003 blackout revealed the vulnerabilities of the transmission system and the immediate need for new power lines Congress in 2005 gave the federal government "backstopping" authority to site new projects.
G. was backstopping the entire mortgage-backed securities business.
By strengthening the local capacity of specialized institutions and programmes, and providing trainers with continuous technical backstopping, this initiative aims at increasing the supply of effective training programmes to school management teams in Ghana, India and Kenya.
Assist and provide high-level technical backstopping and advice to UNESCO staff with regard to education policies, approaches, programmes and projects in secondary education and TVET, in line with UNESCO and UN presence and mandate in the LAC region.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Secondary Education and TVET) (8/9/2011) Santiago, Chile
Plan, prepare and provide technical backstopping for educational, research, public information and awareness activities, training courses, seminars and other scientific, technical or public information meetings of interest to the region and relevant to the goals of the MAB programme.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (18/1/2012) AF/RP/KEN/SC/0008 - (P-4)
Assist and provide sound technical backstopping and advice in the field of education to other UNESCO colleagues, notably to the Director of the Office, in developing policies, approaches, programmes and projects, in line with UNESCO and UN presence and mandate in Mexico.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Education) (19/9/2011) LA/RP/MEX/ED/0003 - (P4)
Housing markets may be forever doomed to cyclicality for many reasons, but public policies that stimulate new construction or home purchases by tax and financing subsidies, reduction of qualifying incomes, buyer credits, mortgage backstopping, and preferential zoning and permitting, only intensify these cycles.
But there is no denying the game of musical chairs going on in Europe, where overly indebted countries like Ireland borrow money to finance bailouts of their neighbors only to later receive a bailout themselves, all in an attempt to mask the fact that Germany is backstopping the whole thing.