Upon arrival make sure you join the queue for a delectable country-style bacon and egg roll.
The permanent collection concentrates on international contemporary art post-1945, including Picasso, Giacometti, Baselitz, Warhol and Bacon.
Two of my favorites on his list are Roger Bacon and Robert Grosseteste.
One side was lined with steel troughs filled with bacon, potatoes, scrambled eggs, and pancakes.
Bicycles are propped against walls on cobbled streets as if in a Francis Bacon painting.
Focus is on Warhol, Jeff Koons, Gerhard Richter, as well as Mark Rothko and Francis Bacon.
The Hall of Famer answered before he could even take a bite of his bacon cheeseburger.
Those bivalves were now swimming in a heavenly sea of cream, bacon and calvados.
The VIP platter includes tastes of sake-marinated filet mignon, curry shrimp tempura and bacon-wrapped chicken.
In 1941, an inmate of Alcatraz, Henri Young (Kevin Bacon), is tried for killing a fellow-prisoner.
Maybe this is because we are too afraid to let go of the traditional "man-brings-home-the-bacon-and-the-woman-fries-it-in-the-pan" mentality.
Currently, hedge fund managers Bruce Berkowitz, Mohnish Pabrai, Louis Bacon, and Bruce Kovner all hold shares.
Hers has an addictive hot bacon dressing that would be delicious on just about anything.
No boss ever spites (or fires) an employee who brings home bacon to the business.
FORBES: Complaining About the Economy vs. Becoming a Rainmaker
There were curried and primavera versions, and an egregiously un-kosher one fried in bacon fat.
Davis-Bacon can raise the cost of government contracts by as much as 22 percent.
Bacon died in 1992, but Freud is still working at the age of 85.
"I don't like my mussels with cream or bacon or any of that stuff, " he said.
WSJ: Paul Kahan's Steamed Mussels With Celery Leaves | Slow Food Fast
With the Kevin Bacon game Bacon himself is an example of such a super connected person.
FORBES: 19 Degrees Of Kevin Bacon: Just How Small Is The Web?
We have a glut now and foresee a shortage of that blessed bacon as a result.
FORBES: The Coming Bacon Famine And The Glory Of Speculation In Food
Atkins, however, says people must ditch the muesli and start tucking into bacon and eggs.
"When I was a kid, I wanted to BE Davy Jones, " actor Kevin Bacon tweeted.
She and her Conservative deputy Richard Bacon have formed an effective "bad-cop, bad-cop" partnership.
The mastermind behind Bronzeville is General Frank Bacon, a veteran of World War II and Korea.
The day will include: A breakfast, of eggs, bacon, sausages, black pudding and bubble and squeak.
The cabinet once housed an award for the best bacon sandwich in English football.
Hot dogs were 7p, bacon sandwiches 9p and a cup of tea just 2p.
Research on why you should limit consumption of meat such as bacon is endless.
FORBES: No More Bacon? High Costs Of Feed Means Move Over Bacon, There's Something Leaner
Now, Bacon is someone not known for being particularly intimate or self-revealing in his media interviews.
He has recycled tropes from Marcel Duchamp, Surrealism, Francis Bacon, Minimalism, and numerous near-contemporaries.