• "In theory, we could probably put anywhere up to about 10 vaccines in the same bacteriophage, " says Dr March.

    BBC: Hope for cheaper, better vaccines

  • Even today, the bacteriophage is used as standard treatment in parts of Eastern Europe for bacterial infections from gangrene to strep throat.

    BBC: Battle of Stalingrad

  • The initial euphoria around the bacteriophage as a means of combating what had been incurable conditions subsided and the virus was all but forgotten.

    BBC: Battle of Stalingrad

  • The bacteriophage concept is related to the idea of DNA vaccination.

    BBC: Hope for cheaper, better vaccines

  • The trick begins with a type of virus called a bacteriophage.

    ECONOMIST: A poor diagnosis

  • The frantic search for an alternative treatment amid dire warnings that we are on the brink of returning to a pre-antibiotic era means the bacteriophage which was dismissed decades ago may yet have its day.

    BBC: Battle of Stalingrad

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